Covering the #GiletsJaunes protests across France, now in their 20th week.
Yellow Vests start the march from Gare de l’Est, #Paris calling for Direct Democracy and a Referendum on #Frexit from the EU
Vive La France!

Multiple Tear Gas grenades have already been used by Macron Regime Forces.

They are planning to hold their largest ever rally on May 4th.
Vive La France!
We are Family!
I've got all my Sisters with me.
Macron's lapdog sock puppets in MSM claim there were only 5,600 protesters in the whole of France.
You can see this is another #FakeNews lie.
Macron's sock puppet @BFMTV hack tries to drown them out.
Shortly after this the protesters were Tear Gassed
These people are NOT wearing Yellow Vests
Trocadéro, #Paris
Macron is gassing his own people.
Where is the international outrage?

Macron Regime thugs attack & beat up peaceful #GiletsJaunes protesters in #Trocadéro, #Paris, yesterday.
Censored by:
No wait .... this is EU Occupied France 2019.
Macron Regime Forces make #GiletsJaunes kneel with their hands on head, while others are lined up against a wall.
A Macron Regime thug bludgeons a peaceful #GiletsJaunes protester with his baton, for no reason at all.
Blood pours from the wound on his head in #Besançon