Let's take a closer look, shall we?
@carolecadwalla @peterjukes @BylineTimes @PeterKGeoghegan @brexit_sham @cockneycampaign
WHat was @darrengrimes_ saying again? 'We need to show those buggers in London that they can’t ignore Hosking's Will for ever!'?
(Not exactly grassroot, Darren)
Hey @BrexitE you need to correct your profile, it uncorrectly states "Brexit Express is an independent, not-for-profit, pressure group supporting Britain's withdrawal from the EU" when you are Hosking's *political party*!
(Come on, even wikipedia noticed...)
£700k cap?
*Why would Hosking keep donating money to Brexit Express after the threshold was reached?*
(Could excess, unspent money -roughly £630- have been given to another campaign?)
(In June?)
@carolecadwalla @peterjukes @BylineTimes @PeterKGeoghegan @brexit_sham @cockneycampaign @shady_inf0 @RealBristolNews