Has anyone noticed that the shilling on the board drops when #MAGACoalition is doing their livestreams? Suddenly all the inorganic jew hate goes away.
They even use a fake anti-jew MAGA Glowalition meme when they spam their Jew-Hate every bread.

They get called out as @realDougStewart, @Jared_T_Swift, @Gingrich_of_PA, Glen, Ginger, & so on directly. Their response to calling out their fake jew hate to make the boards look bad is to act more ridiculous but no one goes with it.
Something that Adam and Glen like to do is contradict themselves.
"Q is going to jail for illegally leaking intel!"
"Q is a LARP and nothing they say is real!"
So... which is it, @GingerMcQueen?
Legit and Jail or a LARP and nothing?
Can't be both.

Were the Podesta e-mails something that helped get @POTUS elected, or not? Why?
But that's exactly what they're doing.
They lie about the boards, mislead people by claiming to be under attack in the chat section, call to like and subscribe and go to their website... where they have merch SHOCKING!!!

When we were all chatting on the livestream...
I never once said I was "anti-Q".
Q is my favorite ARG. I gets all the references.
Even in the wiki definition it says "This Is Not A Game" is a staple of ARGs.
Q is a LARP in the same way a DM for AD&D is.
But their name isn't Q nor DM.
It's just a moniker. A call sign. A screen name.
No one's running around with a name tag that says "Q" on it.
Only normies and people willfully misrepresenting Q say things like that.
In case anyone is wondering...
This is what folks such as @GingerMcQueen, @Gingrich_of_PA, @realDougStewart, @Jared_T_Swift, @MAGACoalition, @travis_view, and the rest of Glen's ilk posts.
And then turn around and pretend they didn't to smear Q and the Anons.
We know.

They spam the same thing day in and day out just to make #QAnon and @realDonaldTrump supporters look bad.
Bread after bread, they put it there... just so they can claim "you can't even go a few posts without antisemitism!"
So stop posting it.

It's almost like we've seen people targeting themselves to turn people against a target, claiming victimhood by pointing to a symbol...
Oh yeah. #JussieSmollett.
According to the MAGA Glowalition: #QAnon is Russian Disinfo, if u believe
The MAGA Glowalition is still targeting themselves and associating it with the fake anti-semitism.
Now with an updated image in an attempt to be less obvious...
Yet it's the same post ID for all of it, like before.
-slow clap-
#QAnon @POTUS @DonaldJTrumpJr @jennajameson