1. The defendant is the POTUS.
2. The allegations involve national security.
3. The remedy is noncriminal—impeachment.
1. The defendant is not the POTUS.
2. The allegations have criminal implications only.
3. The defendant can be indicted.
We have to reorient ourselves to the situation we're actually in *immediately*.
1. Unwilling to act to protect the U.S. from cyberattack.
2. Unwilling to uphold rule of law amidst a national security threat.
3. Susceptible to blackmail.
4. Under undue influence by a hostile power.
1. A POTUS can be impeached if he's a national security threat.
2. The standard of proof for a threat to national security ISN'T beyond a reasonable doubt.
3. Impeachment/removal is noncriminal.