B4 I was bitten by a tick in 2011, I was a practicing trial atty.
I must now use a walker & my 77-year-old mom is my caregiver. She helps me bathe/dress & is my driver.
She can't afford the @$198/mo I need to digest food. We get $15/mo -foodstamps
SOS #help
It's normally $1600/mo but I get a pharmaceutical scholarship from the manufacturer.
I normally have 2-3 Dr appts/wk. I was just in the hospital AGAIN last month: approx. 8th time, excluding ER visits.
I can't eat w/out this RX.
Please help us 💔 😭 #Lyme
I make 5 calls to my MOC every day & use @resistbot.
I can't participate as fully as I would like but I am doing my best.
Please read our story above or on my & my mom's (@DemForLife3) pinned Tweets.
Plz put in any RT rooms. 💔

I joined Twitter & SM after Charlottesville bc I had to do something. I couldn't let Heather Heyer down.

I did PT & aqua therapy for over a yr.w/few results. 😥

I was on antibiotics for 19 YEARS b4 all of this started w/the tick bite.

She died the next day. She had also been bitten even though she had protection.
I caught E. Chaffeensis, Rickettsia, & #Lyme. It moved to my CSF/Brain.

Please help RT, share to FB, &/or donate.
Even $5 or $10 will help-everything adds up.
401 kind ppl over 7 mos have helped.

It's $198/mo, even w/pharmaceutical scholarship. It's normally $1600/mo.
We get $15/mo foodstamps bc they're now giving me $514/mo. (which we have to use to save our home).

This all stems from the tick bite-attendant bacterial infections & Coxsackie B4 virus. I wasn't treated for 11 mos. #Lyme

My story has been vetted by numerous healthcare advocates/writers. Charles Gaba wrote a story about me & Peter Morley took my story to Capitol Hill, & @Alyssa_Milano RTd our story & donated $198.
Please be our voice 💔

I am on an RX diet called the FODMAP diet (from Stanford).
We just went to a food pantry but I can't eat %90 of the food bc of diet.
We are desperate.
Trying to keep our home.😭