- he said there were people who didn't know it was him at the booth (he's only shown his face at like what, two other events so far)
- there were also probably people who mixed him up with ask which prompted him to say //
- he was at asever's booth all the way until stg 4
- shachou & tourai took photos of him; he shared them with us after jack post-processed them for him LOL
- he was holding the "END OF QUEUE" placard for asamack from around 5.30 onwards (5th stage) and he said he really wanted to go "i mixed the cd for asamack~~!!!" but he didn't w
- he's decided to do mail order for the badges
- asked listeners what kind of goods they would like
- "voice cd??? GOODS guys, GOODS... isn't a voice cd.. a cd wwwwwwwwwwww"
- "a RECIPE BOOK? wwwwwwwwww"
- he said asever is also thinking of making clothing??
- people kept throwing tea explosions and he was so amused he started reading out their names but he couldn't find their handlenames?? so he was v slow and couldn't keep up with them
- he also said he checks egosa and recognises the names of his listeners
- "ohhh i can make the fork and spoon silver :O :O :O" (his image colours are orange + silver so this actually makes a lot of sense)