Disclaimer: except for tremendous love and respect, I have no affiliation with @ycombinator.
PG (@paulg) used to publish HN traffic screenshots every now and then. His last was when HN turned 6: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=5253773
Couple weeks ago I started annotating it to understand how HN grew and evolved in an attempt to apply some of that to Health News (news.nukleosome.com)
He of course said he doesn't mind but I may want to ask Daniel Gackle, who's now in charge of HN.
1. HN is very unique and hard to replicate because the people behind it were so and worked hard to keep it this way up to this day.
If you'd like to have a glimpse of such incredible work, you can go over Daniel's comments: news.ycombinator.com/threads?id=dang