Trump tells ABC he'd take info about 2020 opponents from foreign powers
Trump Still Hasn’t Condemned Russia for Interfering in the 2016 Elex
GOP & the Trump Adm naked attempt to permanently rig elections—exposed.
Feds eye NatSec case against Mar-a-lago intruder
Trump has denied wrongdoing, played the victim, & refrained from criticizing Russia’s role in the 2016 elex, & failed to do anything, which should raise grave concerns amongst all Americans.
House Holds Barr & Ross in Contempt After Trump Asserts Executive Privilege
House panel passes 9/11 victims fund bill a day after Jon Stewart's emotional testimony
EG: “Just rechecked the ol' PACER for the EDVA Rocket Docket (the one with the National Security) and it looks like around 850 sealed cases in 2019 alone”
Time to load the canon!
Michael Flynn hires Qanon ⭐️⭐️⭐️level conspiracy theorist Sidney Powell as new counsel
📌Keep an eye out for Posobiec/Parscale/MikeyJr/ info ops. #TraitorTots #FlynnsDigitalArmy
Fight Over Census Documents Centers on Motive for a Citizenship Question

Powell ⭐️⭐️⭐️ even hawks t-shirts calling Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Weissmann et al “creeps” with the “Department of Just-Us.” #Grifter
Ohio U.S. government posts $208 billion deficit in May
Nadler Is Confident We’ll Hear From Mueller ‘Way Before’ End Of Summer
📌The Kremlin’s Strategy for the 2020 US Elex: Secure the Base, Split the Opposition
Anti-Capitalist 🌹subversive Bernie Sanders Delivers Defense of His Democratic Socialist Philosophy
Did you too see an instant media op to normalize ‘socialism’ @MSNBC

Alphabet Owned Jigsaw Bought a RU Twitter Troll Campaign as an Experiment
More US biz’s making changes in response to climate concerns
Fmr EPA leaders question? agency’s direction under Trump
“Under the current adm, the EPA is retreating from its historic mission,”
The federal gov’t has spent $7 billion on a transportation grant program that often awards money based on political clout and electoral impact, skirting Congress' own ban on earmarks.
Pepe the Frog’s creator just won a $15,000 copyright settlement against Infowars
H/T @roxydavis99
A team of experts in cybersecurity, deterrence, Russia, social media companies, electoral regulations, diplomacy and ethics last week put out a white paper to prevent another 2016 including foreign governments offering dirt on opponents.
Read more here:……
Flynn’s new attorney…
Anti-Capitalist Bernie Sanders Delivers Defense of His Democratic Socialist Philosophy
📌Notice media op to normalize ‘socialism’…
Trump invokes executive privilege ahead of House Oversight contempt vote for Barr, Ross…………
His partnership with Vornado, which owns the remaining 70%, resulted from a chain of real estate transactions that Trump once sued to block.…
Letters sent to State Department, Office of the Director of National Intelligence seek to shed light on White House editing process………’s
TransDigm’s Living Large Unjust Enrichment PART I of III
Posted on June 12 2019
TransDigm Group et al
Fleecing the Government for YEARS
laughing all the way to the bank…
Prime minister's wife charged with aggravated fraud, fraud and breach of trust…
Agency employees detail culture of leadership isolation, confusion
Labor Chief Acosta empowers policy shop as his barrier’……
Today’s House Intelligence Committee's first open hearing on the (redacted) Mueller report
Carter Page FISA Documents Are Released by Justice Department
📌Debunking GOP’s false claim that the Page’s FISA warrant started because of the Steel Dossier…
Trump’s Russia Cover-Up By the Numbers – 272 contacts with Russia-linked operatives - The Moscow Project…
FBI warned Trump in 2016 Russians would try to infiltrate his campaign…
The spin from AG Barr & the president that there was no evidence of collusion is simply not true. In 173 pages on RU interference, Mueller identified constant contact & interaction between the RU campaign to elect Trump and the Trump campaign.…
Aiding and Abetting: What the Trump Campaign Knew About Russia's Attack…
Trump Still Hasn’t Condemned Russia for Meddling in the 2016 Election
The president has denied wrongdoing, played the victim, and refrained from criticizing Russia’s role in the election.…
Nunes has conspired with the Trump WH to undermine the FBI inv’n & Mueller. In every instance, Nunes’ charges have proven to be baseless fabrications that crumble under the slightest scrutiny. His efforts are deceptive political stunts.…………
Today Trump revealed his intent to break the law & conspire with another nation to win, thus subvert a US Election.
@SpeakerPelosi It’s trigger time. #Impeach
@CIA & @FBI guessing Barr & his lawless cabal are sharpening their knives.
It’s indictment/go time.
Apologies in advance if I don’t respond to your reply- my notifications clog & don’t load. DM me or @ me again to get my attn if important. Thank you.
June 12, 2019
Rest well #TeamPatriot #USVIA