Pompeo instantly declares Trump Adm blames Iran for incident—NOT intel.
Sarah Sanders leaving WH #ByeFelicia
U.S. military intel steps up accusation against RUover nuclear testing
Trump Urged to Fire Kellyanne Conway for her repeated flagrant Hatch Act Violations
“Look at what the president is doing in terms of Saudi Arabia & the sale of nuclear technology as well as planes to Saudi.
Follow the money. 💰💦
Who benefits from that?
Declare a national emergency so he can by-pass congress in terms of those sales.”
Facebook’s New Cryptocurrency Gets Big Backers
Financial firms and e-commerce will invest around $10M each to govern digital coin
Flint water prosecutors dismiss all charges, plan to start over after new deeper & wider inv’n built on a firmer foundation than b/4.
Margaret Hunter, wife of GOP Rep Duncan Hunter, pleaded guilty in court today to the first count in the indictment against her, which was conspiring with her husband to “knowingly and willingly convert campaign funds for personal use

‘The migration problem is a coffee problem’
In western Guatemala, cultivating coffee was once a way out of poverty.
As prices fall, growers are abandoning their farms for the US.
Tankers targeted near Strait of Hormuz amid Iran-US tensions

Connect the dots and follow the money. politicususa.com/2019/06/13/pel…
They are focused partly on the intelligence agencies’ most explosive conclusion about the 2016 election: that President Putin of Russia intervened to benefit Donald J. Trump. nytimes.com/2019/06/12/us/…
Neil Bush, Cherie Blair & Tatyana Yumasheva, have all been working to secure the release of fund manager Lazareva. forbes.com/sites/andrewca…
H/T @mopeng abc.net.au/news/2019-06-1…
Trump & the Trump-GOP - go f*ck yourselves
The Trump-GOP Silence is telling maddogpac.com/blogs/spicy-fi…
Financial firms and e-commerce companies will invest around $10 million each in consortium that will govern digital coin wsj.com/articles/faceb…
He is Trump’s biz partner on 2 projects in Indonesia — a resort on the island of Bali & a golf course and resort in the forests of West Java. washingtonpost.com/politics/trump…
The president is using executive privilege to conceal information the public needs to know. nytimes.com/2019/06/12/opi…
'There’s nothing wrong with listening’
By Rick Wilson
OSC Conway should be removed from her position forthwith
OSC - Conway should be fired, unlikely Trump will do so
Office of Special Counsel:
“Ms. Conway’s Hatch Act violations are
and ongoing”
#Who benefits if oil prices rise or if there is a conflict?
Jeremy Hunt comes second, followed by Michael Gove, Dominic Raab, Sajid Javid, Matt Hancock and Rory Stewart
The seven remaining candidates go through to more votes next week
Messaging service swamped by ‘garbage requests,’ Telegram says
Intrusions during demonstrations sourced to Chinese addresses
In western Guatemala, cultivating coffee was once a way out of poverty. As prices fall, growers are abandoning their farms for the United States. washingtonpost.com/world/2019/06/…
It was not immediately clear who was responsible for the suspected attacks. washingtonpost.com/world/2019/06/…
Now pretty please,
This man scours thrift stores and basements for wheelchairs and crutches. Then he gives them to the needy.
Apologies in advance if I don’t respond to your reply- my notifications clog & don’t load. DM me or @ me again to get my attn if important. Thank you.
June 13, 2019
Rest well #TeamPatriot #USVIA