Our cities can be engines for Inclusion & sustainability, but business-as-usual won’t get us there. #ourcityourfuture
In Australia, that date is March 31. #ourcityourfuture
- inclusionary zoning for more affordable housing & space
- mass & active transport, not carving up our cities for cars
- inclusive, beautiful, shared public space to accommodate a growing city
- fair growth that creates opportunities for more people #ourcityourfuture
Tim from Arup tells us the same property developers who build in Sydney, build in 40% affordability in London “because govts require it.”
The difference? Their govts require developers to deliver #affordablehousing
Govts should not re-stoke the housing boom before addressing the #housingcrisis
We need a more generous & pedestrian-focused #publicrealm to accommodate growth in our city. People have the right to the city, investment in public & active transport hands it back to us.
Unaffordability. Commercial space 2x as expensive as Melb.
Low industry diversity: 2x average share of FIRE (financial services, insurance, real estate) & professional services. We need more design, innovation workers.

As Jan Gehl says, aim for “three birds, one stone”: transforming spaces for cars into places for people. #Sydney2050 #ourcityourfuture

A shift to a more innovative economy, reducing our reliance on a few industries, builds resilience.