Mishkin - pdfs.semanticscholar.org/4467/ce86d3444…
Kadıoğlu et al - core.ac.uk/download/pdf/7…
Altınkemer - citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/downlo…
It's about to get worse.
I do wonder whether any of them remain because that would be AWKWARD.
The Governor apparently did not get bored of copying and pasting.
We're talking about 7 pages. Word. For. Word.
Very harsh. It would be incredible if she is still at the Bank but I don’t think she is. Let me know if you can track down her CV.
It would be a front page scandal. In full capitals.
I doubt very much whether it will even be news in Turkey.
It is disheartening to know that the man at the helm thought that this kind of academic fraud was in any way OK.
It’s not and it’s a deep shame.
That credibility is surely now even further in tatters at a time when the entire country needs it more than ever.
Imagine a brain surgeon carrying out an operation on a loved one and hearing they had stolen their thesis just as they readied their scalpel.
Well, this is an entire nation's economy and the scalpel is about to be plunged in.