First of all, and most important: the experiences of BAME women cannot and should not be denied or dismissed by white women, who are both the majority of the movement, and have significant structural advantages. Believe women.
We have to get better at demonstrating the solidarity we want to show.
Michelle Obama…
Serena Williams…
Icons of Black womanhood who are described as 'manly' because of racist attitudes.
Doesn't matter what our intention is. That's what is 'read' by Black women, our Sisters.
I do, too. And it really hurts to be told. Especially when our self-concept is contradicted by the information
It is not the responsibility of BAME women to hand-hold us through the process of dealing with our hurt. That's on us, as a community of white women, to process
Not all of us will be able to do this. That's ok, your first duty is self-care.
Our hurt is ours.
It is the culture that is racist. We are products of the culture, and so are racist. All of us.
But we can change this!
I promise to talk in confidence with any sister that wants to unlearn together.
Thank you.
We're working on making feminism a movement where we can work together on women's oppression. Feminism belongs to you, as much as it does to us.…