"[Advanced Summon] is the best...when it works."
"Even for one task, this can be a very difficult problem, if you want it to work all the time"
[Long list of vehicle types that challenge or break their classification system]
"The scope of this problem very quickly becomes quite daunting"
[Long discourse on different ways to divide the architecture across tasks. Sounds like they don't know which is best]
"There's a massive space of in-betweens"
"Exactly how do you lay out this architecture?"
"It's not exactly obvious"
"There are papers that have recently started to come out..."
"We also try...but it's very complicated"
"It's not obvious how you study them"
"Where it gets even more complicated for us..."
"This is what the network could look like."
"This paper I found a few weeks ago..."
"A lot of it relies on intuition. I'd love to see other approaches.."
"The difficulty of these tasks"
"Some objects take a long time to train"
"There's no real language in the community"
"Some of the problems you run into"
"There's a lot of open questions here"
"Where do you take your model? I don't know."
"This heterogeneity is tricky"
"It's not obvious"
"Two interns are working on the architecture on the bottom" [I think this was a joke?]
"It's really not obvious how you iterate on networks when multiple people are changing the tasks, the weights.."
"Political drama on the team"
"There's no easy way to do that"
"Some of these models become not-reproducible"
Almost no bragging about obstacles overcome, or goals within sight.
Just @karpathy humorously lamenting how inchoate the field is, and how ill-defined most of the problems are.