Moderator: Mr Viswa Sadasivan
Panellists: Mr Akira Kawamura, Mr Jerry Zhang, Ms Laila T Ollapally, Prof Hi-Taek Shin, Mr George Lim SC.
George is an IMI Board member, and Laila represents CAMP, an IMI QAP.

The Kyoto centre:
1. Provides international mediation facilities
2. Is a centre for mediation research and education
On the verge of opening a new similar centre in Tokyo.
#mediation #arbitration #Japan
#mediation #mediators
"The second wave of the mediation revolution is in our DNA."
#Korea has a historic and cultural connection to #mediation, including
1. By the courts
2. By specialised administrative mediation commissions
"With the richness of the cultures, the people here - it's time for Asian mediation."
#qanda #mediation #asia #culture
- Mr Jerry Zhang
#mediation #inspiration
Raises question about the lack of growth in arbitration/ADR in Russia.
@ResolutionInst #mediation #culture
Mediation salary is a problem for lawyers because they're used to $$$ - why not go to 'normal human beings'.