Mother Teresa: The Mistaken Saint (Long Thread)
#MotherTeresa #ArundhatiRoy
@Aabhas24 @ARanganathan72

I was indoctrinated about the greatness of Anjezë Gonxhe Bojaxhiu aka Mother Teresa during my schooling at a convent. Read the story -
#Rupee @sankrant
But, what first helped create the “illusion” that was Mother Teresa?
The answer: Malcolm Muggeridge ‘s 1969 documentary & 1971 book titled “Something Beautiful for God.”
#AmbedkarStatue @mariawirth1
Book Link -
This was followed by a long list of eulogies. The first of such critical work was a 1994 documentary titled “Hell’s Angel” by Christopher Hitchens. - @subhaskak1
#MotherTeresa #ArundhatiRoy
The following year i.e. in 1995, Hitchens wrote a scathing book based on his documentary. It was tactfully titled
“The Missionary Position: Mother Teresa in Theory & Practice.”
@LegalKant #G7Summit
For further reading,
I would also recommend this book titled
“Mother Teresa: The Untold Story” by Aroup Chatterjee, published in 2016. @Swamy39 #MotherTeresa
Much of the information that I will be sharing today is based on the meticulous first-hand research done by Mr Hitchens & Mr Chatterjee.
It is because of them that I felt intrigued to delve further deep into this subject. @prasannavishy
Mother Teresa’s pursuit to demonize Calcutta wasn't without reason.
She knew how to play to the gallery.
She appealed to the rich in the West to support her in her“service to the poor” in a 3rd World Country.
#AmbedkarStatue #MotherTeresa

It should come as no surprise to you that she hardly had anything positive to say about the city’s vibrant culture or its people.
@chandni2428 #Rupee #MotherTeresaBirthAnniversary

The people in the West were happy and contented knowing that Mother Teresa was out there in the East, helping the poor & the marginalized.
As such, many donated generously without even enquiring about the usage of funds. @BhaavnaArora
This lack of financial accountability gave Mother Teresa, a free hand.
She established “Missionaries of Charity” in 1950 and founded the “House of the Dying” in Kalighat, Kolkata in 1952. @anuraag_saxena
#MotherTeresa #ArundhatiRoy

When Dr Fox from the journal “Lancet” visited the facility in 1994 i.e. after 4 decades of its foundation, he saw a different picture. @IndianInterest
Medical negligence was rampant at the facility.
Painkillers were seldom administered to the patients suffering in pain.
There was no provision for medical diagnosis of diseases or investigations. @ThePlacardGuy

Mother Teresa was a firm believer in "suffering in people as a means of reaching God".
(Traditional Roman Catholic Belief) .
This explains why painkillers were not given to even terminally ill cancer patients undergoing intense pain. @arunv2808 #MotherTeresa
Mary Loudon who served as a volunteer in Mother Teresa's “House of the Dying” was stunned to know that the nuns reused the needles, injected to patients, without even sterilizing it. They would simply wash it in cold water. @English_bahen #SupremeCourt

Loudon narrates the story of one 15-year old boy with kidney complaint who was neither administered antibiotics nor taken to a hospital when his situation worsened.
Check out the Reason!
#SupremeCourt #ArundhatiRoy

However, Teresa always checked in to best hospitals when she was not well - 1996 in city's Woodlands Clinic and Birla Heart Institute; earlier in Gemelli Hospital in Rome and Scripps Clinic in California. @davidfrawleyved
Source: Mother Teresa – The Untold Story
When Hillary Clinton Visited New Delhi, Mother Teresa put up a good show. The children who wear nothing or thin cotton diapers that cause rashes were dressed in American Pampers. @MakrandParanspe #ManmohanSingh
1995 Report:

Susan Shields who worked for 9 & a half years for Mother Teresa’s congregation had a chilling account to share.
The nuns would covertly baptize patients on the deathbed & convert them to Christianity. #AmbedkarStatue

And this practice of converting people discreetly by selling them the dream of “Heaven” continues to this date. Conversion in exchange of material goods has led to the prominence of a term called “Rice Christian.” (Slang – Rice bag) #Rupee…
Susan Shields also pointed out the angle of “financial corruption” wherein the funds collected by #MotherTeresa in the name of the poor weren’t used for their upliftment & benefit. @Sanjay_Dixit @RealHistoriPix

The Version of #MotherTeresa : She wanted to help the poor.
[Video Credits: Hell’s Angel (1994)]
Think about it for a moment.
What explains the dilapidated conditions of Mother Teresa's Charity home? As Hitchens’ puts it, there was never any genuine intention to help the poor.
The purpose was the expansion of her Missionary. @Iyervval #Rupee

#MotherTeresa’s views about reproduction (anti-abortion, anti-contraception) matched traditional Christian beliefs – the epicentre of pro-life vs pro-choice debates today. As such, she found appreciation among the highest ranks of the Vatican. @rahulroushan

Mother Teresa was unhesitant in accepting money from the rich which included crooked billionaires and fraudulent businessmen. She did not walk the talk! @swapan55 @abhijitmajumder

A devout Christian, #MotherTeresa, once accepted a cheque of $10,000 from John-Roger, a cult practitioner, who claimed to have superior powers than Jesus Christ himself. Money doesn't have religion & hence no blasphemy. @RAC7R

A scammer named Charles Keating had donated Mother Teresa $ 1.25 million. He had also given his private jet for her use. When Keating was convicted by the court, #MotherTeresa wrote a letter to the judge seeking clemency for him. @iAnkurSingh #MondayMotivation

The then Deputy District Attorney for LA wrote back to #MotherTeresa, asking her to return the money that she was donated.
And guess what? The money was never returned.
@followaanchal @dhaval241086
[ Small Extract of the 3 page letter]

#MotherTeresa was supposedly the voice of the oppressed.
However, she lauded the Indira Gandhi’s 1975 Emergency & remarked,
“People are happier. There are more jobs. There are no strikes." @madhukishwar @swati_gs
#MotherTeresa’s "Missionaries of Charity" is now being investigated for cases of child trafficking! @nirwamehta
2018 Report:
#MotherTeresa was a contradiction in herself. Took money to help the poor of Calcutta but primarily used resources to expand her congregation in 105 countries. @Voice_For_India
[Snippet from Hell's Angel]
The purpose of this thread is to point the obvious contradictions in #MotherTeresa’s words and actions, irrespective of how politically incorrect it may sound! @pokershash @moonstar4u
Christopher Hitchens died of cancer in 2011, leaving us with a marvellous piece of work that became the crucial foundation for critical thinkers & rationalists alike in dismantling sainthood of #MotherTeresa whose integrity would otherwise have gone unchallenged.
And mind you, this is by no means an exhaustive list. I will add even more cases of misconduct & corruption (both moral and financial) in the coming months. @ajeetbharti
Exclusive Footage: Mother Teresa admits to playing with the "emotional vulnerability of the dying" & converting 29K people to Christianity.
Video Courtesy: @AroupChatterjee
[Author of Mother Teresa - the Untold Story].