I saw this and was originally going to write a thread about the gullibility of leavers but then it occurred to me, why shouldn't they believe Johnson is working towards a better deal? Everyone is telling them it's possible
But consider how all this looks to your average voter
But all rebel alliance parties together are certainly *not* saying that. A fair few people, especially but not only Labour, are pretending that a better deal is possible,if only we asked for it
The 2 major parties are doing all they can to tell people something better than May's deal is possible, if only we negotiated more firmly/more kindly
Or they need us at least as much as we need them
She didn't mean to, she certainly doesn't believe it, but she was forced into that line
But it's hard giving up on Brexit
So if they can believe a deal is possible, many will take the "I want no deal" because they believe in the power of the bluff
Why shouldn't they, the Tories and Labour are saying there's a better deal
Why wouldn't you believe it, especially if you really wanted to
You've expecting people to disbelieve both major parties
That won't happen as long as Labour agrees with Johnson that it might not be