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Sep 9th 2019, 5 tweets, 1 min read Read on Twitter
1) New round of polling released yesterday for the Dem Primaries, and yet again The Warrening that tech giants and the media attempted to create in a very obvious fashion has failed to stick.…
2) Nationally, it looks like Biden's holding steady at around a +10 or so in the aggregate, which is right in line with where he's always been. It'll be interesting to see how he does in the third debate, but right now, on a national level its his race to lose.
3) Out of the first 4 states (SC, IA, NH, NV), Biden has a commanding lead in South Carolina, and the other three are knife fights. However, look at who its a knife fight BETWEEN.

New Hampshire is the ONLY state that Warren isn't 10 points behind Biden, Sanders, or both.
4) A 3 way split of delegates in New Hampshire does not a Presidential Nominee Warren make. Not when she's taking at best 1/5 of the delegates from the other states. And that shit of a showing in the first 4 states spells doom, ain't no amount of superdelegates saves her then.
I don't have anything else to add here, and obviously we still have a long way to go before the first 4 states. But... things are looking optimistic for Trump/Pence vs Retirement Home 2020.
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