I did too. Until #dominicsblog helped me see the lies bare. You can read them here verbatim, or verify them at his site dominiccummings.com.
No retribution here. We want to #brexend this mess.

From the first moment, leave or remain, we handled this badly. We should #brexend it.

We turned a tiny margin, into the largest mandate in history. This fostered division. Created #FBPE
Normalised BIG LIES
Except now we want to go further.
To push for a "No Deal" with a mandate that never was.
It won't end well.

It's just starting. Decades of conflict ahead.
No good outcome for anyone.
We've already lost truth. What next?
Once, when we were one people, we respected Mandela He had words we knew. Reconcile. Hope.
So let's #brexend it.

You'll realise we're still all the same.
There are no winners or losers
No side can win while 50% resists
So the choice was never win or lose
It was lose or reconcile
Let's #brexend this mess. Politicians will fight.
But our order is reconcile

Source #dominicsblog dominiccummings.com
find quote:
google site: dominiccummings.com YOUR QUOTE
All quotes in this thread by topic at bit.ly/2kd1I5p
satire bit.ly/2kekLwa

To be clear, not self serving. Happy to unpublish and gift it to community it required.