@UANI session: Int’l Convention For The Future of Iran
Sen. Lieberman & Mayor Rudy Giuliani are participating
Iranian opposition groups participating in the event include:
-NCRI (@iran_policy)
-PMOI/MEK (@mojahedineng)
-Org. of Iranian-American Communities (@OrgAIC)

Other participants include:
Iranian communities from New York, Massachusetts, northern & southern California, Wisconsin, Tennessee and Texas.
In response, the regime in #Iran has designated UANI as a terrorist organization for cooperating with the PMOI/MEK.

Event organizer Amb. Mark Wallace launched the conference by calling for a minute of silence in solidarity with all those persecuted by the regime in #Iran.

Keynote speaker Mayor Rudy Giuliani:
#Iran is the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism. If you give a dollar to Iran, you're paying half of that to a terrorist. It is about time for (Europe) to stop that.

Rudy Giuliani:
-If Europe joins the U.S. in imposing sanctions against the regime in #Iran, the mullahs' will be gone.
-Iran's regime intended to bomb two 2018 gatherings in which I & many other dignitaries attended in Albania & Paris.

The fact that #Iran's regime sends a diplomat to blow up an opposition gathering shows how desperate they are.
The U.S. media doesn't cover this subject. We are here to change that.
France seeks to provide money & do business with #Iran's regime, despite the mullahs' human rights violations & support for terrorism. Ethnic & religious minorities are singled out & treated as non-citizens.
The mullahs seek to eliminate the Bahaii minority group.

The time has come for the complete abolishing of the IRGC. President Trump stands up to #Iran's regime. We don't have President Obama anymore giving them billions of dollars in cash.
In #Iran, ethnic & religious minorities are singled out and are being eliminated. The Sunnis, Bahai's, Kurds, Baluchis, Arab-Iranians & others.
This is what Hitler was doing and it must end.
-All signs indicate the regime in #Iran has reached its final phase.
-Iran's people are saying to the regime, "Leave Syria; Think about us."
-The regime considers Syria as its own province.
-Khamenei says the regime does not recognize geographical borders.
-The measures of #Iran's regime are a sign of its weakness, not strength.
-If the regime stops its support for terrorism, it would accelerate its downfall.
-Khamenei: If we don't fight in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon & Yemen, we would have to fight inside Iran.

-The mullahs are calculating that they would not have to pay the price for their aggression before the 2020 U.S. presidential elections. When they saw no action to their belligerence, they attacked Saudi Arabian oil facilities.
@Maryam_Rajavi: Iran's regime only understands a language of strength & firmness. The solution lies in regime change by the Iranian people & their organized resistance movement.
Two years ago, the regime evaluated that 96% of the population is against them.
Rouhani acknowledged in 2017 the regime has executed & imprisoned the Iranian people for 38 years.
The regime's massacres against all of the Iranian people, including religious & ethnic minorities, cannot be forgotten.
This regime bombed the house of God in Mecca.

-This regime should be expelled from the UN.
-The UNSC should refer this regime's human rights dossier, especially the #1988Massacre, to the Int'l Criminal Court.
-The UNSC should condemn Tehran's recent regional belligerence.
-The IRGC, Quds Force, Min. of Intelligence should be included in the UN terrorist list.
-For peace & democracy, we all in need an int'l coalition against the regime in #Iran.
-The NCRI seeks a free, secular & democratic Iran with equality for all its people.

Dr. Daneshgari:
Let us be very clear that the shortage of medicine has nothing to with sanctions. It has all to do with the mullahs' regime & the IRGC. They ship the medication & medical supplies to Syria, Iraq & Yemen. This regime is riddled with corruption.
Dr. Daneshgari:
We only need one day of voting in Iran to show who the Iranian people love. We can & we must bring about regime change in Iran by the Iranian people.
We have shown the world that we can come together & reject this regime, as the people rejected the Shah.
Dr. Daneshgari:
We are here united against the regime in #Iran. The only enemy is the regime. Let's come together under the ten-point plan proposed by Mrs. @Maryam_Rajavi for a #FreeIran.
Dr. Sanabargh Zahedi:
#Iran under the mullahs' regime has undergone 40 years of massacre targeting the people & the entire country.
We are all, together, Iran. We have risen against any type of dictatorship. We will free our nation with our unity.

Dr. Sanabargh Zahedi:
#Iran's regime is focused on crackdown inside the country & demonization/terrorism abroad.
-There was not a single page of evidence against the MEK in 20 court procedures. Nothing to prove the MEK to be terrorists.
Dr. Zahedi:
Until this regime is overthrown, wars will continue across the Middle East. Anyone seeking freedom for #Iran & peace across the region should rise to overthrow the mullahs' regime.
Dr. Zahedi:
There is no solution other than overthrowing the mullahs' regime in #Iran. The MEK believes in free elections to establish a free, secular & democratic Iran. The NCRI is ready to cooperate with all pro-republic movements to establish a free Iran.

Dr. Zahedi:
The MEK is not seeking political power. Freedom of Iran is what's important. We seek a free, secular republic & extend our hand in friendship & cooperation to everyone.
Dr. Ramesh Sepehrad:
The int'l community has not yet recognized of the depth & extent of ongoing crimes against the Iranian people, especially the #1988Massacre.
Khamenei, Rouhani & other senior officials are all criminals & must face justice.

Dr. Sepehrad:
All of us here agree this regime must go.
In a free Iran only the ballot box determines the legitimacy of the future government.
Freedom of speech, expression, association & equal rights for all ethnic groups are a must in a #FreeIran.
Dr. Sepehrad:
We will not let this regime colonize us any longer!
We are Iranians first & we want this regime together. We seek territorial integrity for #Iran.
All Iran ethnic groups have come together under the MEK flag & fighting against this regime.
Dr. Sepehrad:
Complete gender equality will be established in a #FreeIran.
We stand with the women of Iran to overthrow this misogynist regime.
Women will have the right to choose their own clothing & any exploitation of women will be rejected.

Dr. Sepehrad:
The future of #Iran's youth will be in high quality education. Iran's scientific community can focus on human advancement of technology & reverse the damages done under the mullahs' regime.
No more WMDs & we stand for a non-nuclear Iran.
No more terrorism.
Dr. Sepehrad:
For too long, #Iran regime apologists/lobbyists have worked to divide us through lies & disinformation campaign, & the echo chamber against the MEK & the NCRI.
We need to be entirely focused on the threat of the Iranian regime.
Ms. Samsami:
The world only needs to recognize the Iranian people's right to overthrow the mullahs in #Iran & stop supporting this regime.
Let's continue our efforts, hand in hand, to overthrow this regime.
Rep. of the Org. of Iranian Kurdistan Struggle (Khebat):
We have become allies of the MEK & NCRI, and we believe the only way to realize a #FreeIran is to reject negotiations w/ the mullahs' regime & fight for regime change.