More of Tehran’s talking points. Compare them to tweets by @JZarif, known as Iran’s chief apologist.

NYT continues:
“… the nuclear deal President Barack Obama and five other nations struck with Iran in 2015 was a model of diplomacy and coalition-building.”
Here’s a thread reminding of the dreadful Obama years:
More on how Obama appeased Iran’s mullahs:
"Barack Obama eventually fired the storied Marine general for what Mattis believes were his insistent warnings about the Iranian threat."…
[The JCPOA] “forestalled Iran’s nuclear arms program…”
Salehi, head of #Iran's Atomic Energy Org:
"We did not fill the Arak heavy water reactor with cement."
"We had already purchased pipes similar to those filled... Only Khamenei knew."
Of course, NYT will not remind its readers that even former U.S. secretary of state John Kerry said the Obama administration knew Iran would be using JCPOA money to fund terrorism.…
A reminder for NYT on how Iran’s regime has been violating the JCPOA since day one.…
NYT continues:
“the Trump admin has been left isolated…”
"The EU told Iran that it would put the issue of Iranian non-compliance into the agreement’s formal dispute mechanism if the next Iranian move away from the deal is significant."…
Even the Europeans encouraged Iranian President Hassan Rouhani to meet with President Trump.
Rouhani could do nothing but laugh in a ridiculous manner.
“… US Treasury under-secretary for terrorism and financial intelligence, Sigal Mandelker, condemned the Iranian government’s behaviour on several fronts, including funding illicit activities and supporting terrorism.”…
“Iran is sending advanced weapons and military advisers to Yemen’s rebel Houthi movement…”…
“Iran is spending billions of dollars on its weapons programs and supporting terrorism around the globe while it ignores the basic needs of its people…”…
NYT claims Trump’s maximum pressure policy is not working.
“Iranian oil exports have dropped in July to as low as 100,000 barrels per day (bpd)…”…
“The golden days are gone and will never return,” said a fighter with an Iranian-backed militia in Syria who recently lost a third of his salary and other benefits. “Iran doesn’t have enough money to give us.”…
Iran’s regime is desperate, failing to
-lure the US into a full-blown war to then play the innocent game
-convince the Europeans to provide incentives & bailout packages
-find a strategy to bypass U.S. sanctions targeting its regime & the terrorist Revolutionary Guards (IRGC)
My conclusion:
U.S. President Donald Trump’s maximum pressure policy is working.
As Iran’s tactics are failing, NYT & other #FakeNews media outlets, are also failing in their measures against Trump.
As a result, they resort to the low of becoming Tehran’s mouthpiece.