#Iran apologists/lobbyists, such as @A_Tabatabai, @AssalRad & @borzou, divert attention away from Tehran’s destructive meddling in Iraq & the fact that the Iranian regime is heavily involved in the deadly crackdown that has left at least 110 dead & at least 6,100 injured.

Iraqis are revolting against #Iran's meddling in their country.
"When we protest, they shoot at us. They're all Iranian & speak Farsi. When we talk to them, they reply in Farsi."
An Iraqi saying #Iran-backed "Khorrasani" militia members are entering hospitals, attacking the medical staff & abducting wounded protesters.
These are very similar measures to those used by Iranian security forces against protesters in Iran.
More footage of #Iran-backed security forces targeting civilians with live ammunition.
-At least 110 dead & over 6,100 injured in seven days of protests
-High probablity these numbers are very conservative and may rise significantly
Protesters are saying #Iran-backed militia groups are using live ammunition against civilians.
This video shows what appears to be a rocket/missile.
Possibly a rocket-propelled grenade (RPG).
It’s obvious why #Iran apologists/lobbyists divert attention. Tehran’s role in #Iraq’s ongoing deadly crackdown is undeniable.
BTW, @A_Tabatabai & @AssalRad have strong ties with @NIACouncil, the mullahs’ lobby in the U.S.
So, they’re just doing their job.
Regarding @borzou’s claim of the Iranian opposition MEK killing Iraqi Kurds, that is an old & already debunked lie. The Kurds have denied this back in 1999.

“The KDP can confirm that the Mujahedin [MEK] were not involved in suppressing the Kurdish people neither during the uprising nor in its aftermath.”
Hoshyar Zebari
Head of Kurdistan Democratic Party International Relations
Rest assured there are more #Iran apologists/lobbyists going the distance to cloak Tehran’s atrocities in Iraq.
These figures are just as much the enemies of the Iraqi people as are the mullahs' regime ruling Iran.
And BTW, #Iran apologists/lobbyists, and the mullahs’ pundits, may parrot their old claims by saying I’m a fake account.
Their allegations are easily debunked & Twitter re-opened my account after realizing their allegations were nothing but lies.👇
As always, this is my take & my conclusion.
Please reach your own conclusion.
I welcome any & all constructive feedback.
Apologies for the technical error on tweet #14.
This is the video.