Cause hearing a lawyer call sex workers “ho” is super empowering...
“It is time to lead. It is time to act.”
CLC: it happened in Rhode Island, to increase people coming in to buy sex. (RI had decriminalized indoor sex work after a legal challenge from COYOTE)
Also in RI? A drop in sexual violence.…
CLC: would welcome that as a discussion. Think that the increases in demand outweighs it. But CLC doesn’t want to speak about how to make sex work safe.
Says that the best way forward is to decrim selling, and that she knows the word transgender.
Thanks for the feelings, bro.
@tyrone_hanley : we know. Laws aren’t enough. And we’re talking about the harms of criminalization.
Mara: Anti discrim laws aren’t important, but also stigma, lack of services, crim - “these all play on each other”
Nclr: it’s not inherently bad. And because when you decrim only one half, it changes power dynamics. Increases isolation, criminalized negotiation, harder to declare boundaries. @TransEquality
The conflation of trafficking w all commercial sex also misallocates scarce resources which could be spent on effective anti-trafficking efforts.”
Has concerns abt brothel code & that inside houses you can hide youth (trafficking.. still criminalized)
Playing testimony saying it’ll be harder to get out of the life.
I don’t actually have time to correct every piece of misinformation that just got stated...
Courtney’s house: most traffickers get pandering so that’s the problem. Talk to the police.
“But only 2 pandering charges”
Courtney’s house: yep.
Good talk.
A third party? Safety, a ride, finding clients, holding money while I run to a place to hustle, someone to give info on clients, a person to answer my phone... should I go on? You seriously don’t know?
World without exploitation - the “prostitution survivor” group. She’s upset about the name of the bill. They KNOW it’ll increase trafficking. Based on...
Baptist minister literally just said he speaks on behalf of the whole faith community... that doesn’t sound like anything I’ve ever heard before...
“I know the church hasn’t been great to them” and aggressively points to SWAC... who laughed pretty damn hard.
We’re three hours in and it’s a lot of “same song next verse” at this point
Ma’am, you’re from Chicago.
US PROS was involved in the SF prostitution task force - the rec after years of research was to decriminalize and redirect resources
Totally agree that we need access to mental health care.
Definitely missed that she was from Salvation Army and thought “cops”. Oops.
Says the bill victimized people because sex work is a human rights abuse and we can’t legitimize the sex trade.
There is. Don’t gaslight #sexworkers.
“What are our goals as a city? How do we help people currently impacted by criminalization.”
Nordic model may seem like a middle ground but it’s not.
@HIPSDC does amazing work and I’m so excited for their staff to talk.
#sexworkers who have lived under the Nordic model - cite problems w negotiating w clients esp when you’re hiding from cops, increased competition, stigma from SPs, still faced problems/lack of protection.…
It’s not, it’s continuing the problems. It’s changing dynamics, not offering solutions. Buyers are less likely to screen, “it reapplies a broken system”
Address immediate needs for health and safety. “Nearly every single time, getting police involved is the LAST thing people want... because there’s no trust. Officers are forced to move people along.”
Sex workers are concerned, want to help and find out resources. People bring others to HIPS all the time. There are a lot of youth serving orgs, and under decrim it’s easier to bring those situations.”
Can someone ask NOW National to collect your fucking people?
“trafficking is being weaponize to attack sexwork. Advocacy for survivors are stronger when sexworkers have a seat at the table. Sex workers are valuable members of society & should be treated as such.”
“I don’t want women like me to be afraid anymore.”
... that...
@tamikahs66 “because were sex workers in DC and were telling you what we need.”
That’s basically the only thing you need to hear today.
“A 20% increase in demand means a 20% increase in money to sex workers. And everyone talking about pimps - I don’t know what bill you’re reading because trafficking is still criminalized.”
A community member who is upset about sex work and that she can see prostitution near her home.…
“I sold drugs BECAUSE. I sold drugs in highschool BECAUSE we had no clothes, we needed food.
These national people who flew in for this? They weren’t here when there was a cop trafficking”
Causes stigma, discrim and impacts on health...
Our criminal laws disempower sex workers. We must stop reinforcing marginalization.”
If they only knew just how lazy clients really are.
Sexwork provides an avenue for trans ppl to get resources needed to survive. It provides a means for trans people to live independently & with dignity & to support themselves,their families.”
“This demonstrates a profound misunderstanding of why ppl engage in sex work”

“I beg you to not to harm another generation of people. I ask this body to have the fortitude, courage; common sense to pass this bill”
“This is a new day and time, baby. This is a day of people having say over their bodies.”
Also says MPD is saying they’ve been reprioritzed to prostitution arrests instead of trafficking... what?
@ncose speaker #2. Gives story of a trafficking situation with three sisters.…
God willing?

Says laws on the books don’t stop anything - really? So why are we criminalizing the sex trade?
The ED of a $11m organization which offers no services just said money should go to housing.
“If this community really believes that sex work is a job, you can go to Las Vegas”
(Las Vegas... criminalized...)
Wait. Random public witness who just happens to be a former Girl Scout.
Notes that it’s an invasion of privacy and that decrim is the only way to improve conditions. People are making choices to take on risk to avoid LE. This makes SWers more vulnerable, less likely to seek help
References The Uk’s own DOJ report released last month which said that after 11 years of end demand implementation it had not achieved its stated goals.
DAMN. And criminalization came to support racial purity... see my tweet from like three hours ago.
Next person says sex work is bad.
If you won’t state facts, I have some ? about your ❤️.
Shares the story of Camila, an asylum seeker who was denied & deported, became a survival sex worker
Boston is an aggressively pro cop, end demand city which has gotten TENS OF THOUSANDS to do demand work. Soooo. Yeah. Probably. That place is a homophobic mess.
“We should fund services, not police stings. We should fund housing, not handcuffs.”
“The support for this bill came locally.”
Cam, a DC resident, speaks to the need for safety in the sex trade as her reason for wanting decrim.
Girl, have you been listening?
France implemented end demand, why not point to that?
Ooooh Cause it’s bad.…
Oh dear do I have news...
“Exploitation is not fixed by police, its fixed by resources. It’s fixed by unionizing. It’s fixed by worker strength.”
Sure. Criminalizing the whole trade isn’t regulation. Honey.
@CMCharlesAllen says he wants to understand what she’s saying. She doesn’t understand what she’s saying...
Preston confesses to being a lawyer but we still love him.
Sex work is one of the primary ways that women of color experience state violence and harm.
“If we want safety for sex workers we cannot rely on systems that require interaction w law enforcement.”
“This is a nuanced issue and hyperbole will not create sound policy.”
“We have to ask: Why do some of us devalue sex workers?”
One if the most moving moments all day.
This testimony is fire. Can someone tell her I'm single?
A: yes and no. There are times where I was robbed, chased, threatened w guns, laying in a pool in my own blood - in those moments, I wanted an officer. I also was harassed -
Says it'll increase young people trading sex. Says the word "hashtag" in her testimony. Cites that she's talking about young people who are running away -
Everyone take a shot. Who got Bingo?
Right now @Polaris_Project & Sanctuary for Families are launching an attack on Asian women, which is leading to violence and death. Calls in the name of Yang song
From the audience: Cause there ain't no black people there.
There's no evidence that the laws work in the way they're assumed to. Migrants are the most hurt under the Swedish model, bc they're deported within the first 36 hours, so it isn't recorded.
Answer: We should educate people to use it more!
Me in my head: that's... what the fuck are you talking about? No.
Answer: Because one of those cases took a year. There's such a high level of manipulation that we can't develop trust w a victim in one meeting.
If there was a 14 year old, and you could get pandering... that's trafficking. Why couldn't you get trafficking?
"how many?"
"I don't know."
...what? No.
"So there were 6 which came to you to investigate?"
"I won't tie myself to a number but there are many."
"... 6?"
This is bananas.