As a journalist I often get told I shouldn’t make my political opinion public. “Journalists should be impartial”, they say. To have a political opinion is, they think, an obstacle to my objectivity. This is why they’re wrong:
That means you must tell the FACTS, not that you should silence your opinion, or indeed offer a counterpoint to every voice you broadcast.
DO: Question claims made w/o evidence or where there’s plenty of proof to contrary
DON’T: Question something supported by 99% of scientific community
But there is still a difference between the two and the idea of “impartiality” tends to conflict them:
When @BBCNaga noted that President Trump made racist comments.
Example of stating a PRINCIPLE:
When a Lebanese journalist recently prevented the arrest of a demonstrator live on air after having witness his “crime” being distributing bread
While also giving its workers better living & working conditions
I believe this because 10 years of Conservative government have seen us all - including thousands of journalists -worse off, and our industry and its multiplicity slashed left, right and centre