#WeAreAllJulianAssange #WeStandWithJulianAssange #FreeAssange #Assange #ProtectJulian #AssangeHERO #Injustice #HumanRights #freeSpeak #Liberty #Killers #WarCrimes #Liars #Democracy #TrueJournalists #Hipocrisy
#CNN is really competing with @guardian and @lukeharding1968 now for who can fabricate the most outrageous #Russiagate/#JulianAssange story. There must be a cash prize on offer: 21stcenturywire.com/2019/07/18/raf…
#CIA were allowed to plant caveats in new US law which helps them to conceal clandestine ops at home & away, and to criminalize journalism and exposure of its illegal activities...
VIDEO - Surprise Twist in #Wikileaks Case - London Refuses to Extradite #Assange to Country With Death Penalty is.gd/rxax18 #Extradition

@wikileaks @AssangeLegal @AssangeMrs @DefendAssange
To support the persecution of Assange is to support:
— absolute state censorship of the internet
— punishing journalists who receive & publish official material which shows US govt wrongdoing
— the US claim to global jurisdiction.
London won't extradite Julian Assange to a country where capital punishment isn't banned, that is, the USA. Such an unexpected statement was made today by British Deputy Foreign Secretary Alan Duncan #JulianAssange to #FreeAssange 🐱🌍
🐱« Everyone else must take my place »
— Mr. Julian #Assange words from Belmarsh Prison🐱🖤
#couragefound #Assange #FreeASSANGE
🐱🖤 #EnoughIsEnough #StandUpFightBack #BringAssangeHome 🇦🇺✊⏳

See ALL 🌍& EVERYONE the tears in the eyes of innocent civilians, children w/ burning eyes, civilians being killed by pilots in Iraq 4 fun.#FreeASSANGE 🐱🖤#FreedomofPress
#Assange #FreeASSANGE
#Equador sold Mr. #Assange like a slave by $4.2 billion loan approved by the IMF in March.
We do NOT forgive neither FORGET & TOGETHER WE STAND..
🐱🖤#EnoughIsEnough #StandUpFightBack #BringAssangeHome 🇦🇺✊⏳

By @IsabelVictor8
« A prisão de #Assange é a MORTE do jornalismo independente » 🐱🌎#FreeASSANGE

Publishing information, whether confidential or not, is not a crime, nor has it ever been. This is already going beyond the limits of everything #FreeASSANGE 🐱🌍
Em 2014, Mr. Assange foi homenageado com a Medalha Chico Mendes de Resistência entregue pelo grupo de direitos humanos brasileiro Tortura Nunca Mais.[
🐱🖤#EnoughIsEnough #StandUpFightBack #BringAssangeHome 🇦🇺✊⏳

In collective violence & atrocity, such as arresting #Assange for journalism, there is no such thing as a neutral stance. Passive bystanding is aiding & abetting. Don’t be complicit. #ProtectJulian. See @Unity4J & @AssangeMrs for urgent actions that you can take

-Legendary Journalist John Pilger on @Wikileaks' Assange's arrest
As US media outlets bury the story of the #Ecuador the national strike, protesters call for an end to the “rendition of #WikiLeaks founder, #JulianAssange, to the United States, placing his life in danger”...
‘Anti-Trump’ CNN Presstitute Defends Trump’s Persecution Of Assange
"Jim @Acosta does not support press freedom, Jim Acosta supports power. Julian Assange supports press freedom, and he’s being ferociously persecuted for it."
Zuesse: "Julian #Assange is the world’s leading investigative journalist & publisher against imperialism itself — against any imperialism... No one has done as much to reveal the corruption that stands behind Empire as Julian Assange has" strategic-culture.org/news/2019/07/2…
Shameful! Pompeo about #Assange: "I can not comment more, but my government believes that it is important that this man who was a risk to the world and endangered US soldiers be sanctioned by justice," #WikiLeaks eluniverso.com/2019/07/21/vid… …

I wish I could be optimistic, I agree with Vaughan Smith that he is a victim of a sort of lawfare. Not sure you've seen this: … Britain's Courts have a habit of not delivering justice if your name is Julian Assange, big eye opener his case.
A risk to the world? Exposing #USA war crimes makes him a risk to #USA regime @SecPompeo
YES - the word of honor is worth more than a public deed
WE STAND. WITH Mr. #JulianAssange & #FreeASSANGE...#Anonymus
🐱🖤 #StandUpFightBack & LET HIM WALK FREE Mrs. Mariread Maguire words #BringAssangeHome 🇦🇺✊⏳
#TheMEPsProject & #Journalists

WE STAND. w Mr. #Assange & #FreeASSANGE.
He's a genius, all scientists say that. Transparency & right to information
🐱🖤#StandUpFightBack & LET HIM WALK FREE Mrs. Mariread Maguire words #BringAssangeHome 🇦🇺✊⏳
#TheMEPsProject & #journalists To #UK🇬🇧magistrates

AFP reports that Pompeo will "show his appreciation" to Ecuador's Moreno for violating international law to expel Assange, by making a stopover in Ecuador.
CIA Wants To Make It Easier To Jail Journalists, & Congress Isn't Stopping It zerohedge.com/news/2019-07-2…
Alan Duncan admits he negotiated the eviction of Julian Assange from the Ecuadorian Embassy. @Lenin Moreno lied that the termination of Julian Assange's political asylum was a sovereign decision. It was a UK foreign policy achievement.

we are ONE mess with one mess with all 🐱🌍 #TheMEPsProject & #Journalists
#FreeASSANGE 🐱🖤#EnoughIsEnough #StandUpFightBack #BringAssangeHome 🇦🇺✊⏳

No More WikiLeaks!
Intelligence Authorization Bill Criminalizes Whistleblowers and Reporters
#WikiLeaks @WikiLeaks

Jennifer Robinson @suigenerisjen about how Julian Assange perceived the publication of Cablegate:"they will make my life hell..but it's my obligation to the source to make this material to the public" #WikiLeaks (link: )
Mr. #JulianAssange needs go home #Auspol
#humanrights VIOLATED by US=UK #Empire = #TORTURE #Auspol 🇦🇺✊⏳ #Anonymous #TheMEPsProject & #journalists
#FreeAssange #WikiLeaks

"If #Britain extradits #JulianAssange to the #USA, he will become complicit in the secure martricide of a symbol of the freedom and independence of social networks, which has defended the world as part of the concept of global freedom."
“The indictment against Julian Assange ... criminalises common practices in journalism.." - Amal Clooney.

@BorisJohnson discussing the Darroch cables: "A prosecution on this basis would amount to an infringement on press freedom & have a chilling effect on public debate."
Based on this, it should be unthinkable for the new PM to support the extradition of Assange

Barrister @suigenerisjen speaking about #Assange on
@RadioNational re @4corners "I participated in the 4Corners interview in good faith. It was meant to be about the prosecution of Julian,however it seemed +a prosecution of his personality."
CN LIVE! Nils Melzer, UN Rapporteur on Torture: Julian Assange
UN Special Rapporteur on Torture @NilsMelzer: "In the end it finally dawned on me that I had been blinded by propaganda, and that Assange had been systematically slandered to divert attention from the crimes he exposed."
WikiLeaks editor-in-chief @khrafnsson speaks to Sputnik about Julian Assange, whistleblowing and press freedoms
UN Special Rapporteur @NilsMelzer: "Julian Assange has no chance to get a fair trial in the US"
All WORLD saw and hear « I LOVE WIKILEAKS », so a White FLAG with #WikiLeaks WE STAND wit Mr. #JulianAssange
#WeAreAllAssange & #Anonymous #TheMEPsProject & #Journalists
#FreeASSANGE #EnoughIsEnough #StandUpFightBack #BringAssangeHome 🇦🇺✊⏳ #GiveAssangeANobel

#FreeAssange #NoUSExtradition
Is Julian Assange a journalist?
A MESSAGE from the @UN Rappoteur on Torture Mr @NilsMelzer
*Mr Melzer recently did an investigation into the plight of my son, Australian journalist Julian Assange & found that he has been tortured
Assange could face life in prison for publishing the truth of the Iraq, Afghan wars in a case"emblematic of a global pushback on free speech & his case is at the center of it"- listen to Assange lawyer @suigenerisjen's interview on🇹🇫radio
According to the recent MET Police statement they released, over this UK diplomatic leak, saying they won't arrest the journalist but will arrest the leaker, surely that means Assange can not be legally extradited then?
USA autocrats launch ward that kill millions Nd nothing happens to them . No one takes them to court
"Full interview of Afshin Rattansi and Julian Assange"
Full Interview of Julian Assange
US authorities intend to make an example of Julian Assange—to punish him personally and to deter others: smh.com.au/world/europe/u…
#FreeAssange #WeAreAllAssange
#GlennGreenwald is now being threatened by🇧🇷President #JairBolsonaro w imprisonment. You can blame ALL this on the precedent set by the US & UK w their illegal attack on #Assange. Other countries are following suit globally. Julian warned us
The charges against Julian Assange are a threat to press freedom
Excellent thread by @AloysiaBrooks summarizing the findings of the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture on Julian Assange's situation @nilsmelzer, released today
UN report released today says US wants to 'make an example' of Assange in jail
Ecuador's government under Lenin Moreno has subjected WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange to psychological torture, says damning UN report released today.

Exactly 8 months since The Guardian put a fabricated story on its front page about J.Assange meeting Paul Manafort - which helped prepare ground for Assange's illegal expulsion from embassy - it publishes a long read on disinformation.
Assessment by Nils Melzer UN’s Special Rapporteur on Torture: "Assange would “be exposed to a real risk of torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment” if he ended up in a US jail."

UN Special Rapporteur on torture says he is “gravely concerned” about the situation of Julian Assange
JOHN PILGER: Clinton, Assange and the ABC's war on the truth “The ABC (Australia) interview with Clinton is an outstanding example of smear and censorship by omission. I would say it is a model.”
London bus drivers show support for Julian Assange
Public transport workers’ meeting Thursday to demand WikiLeaks founder’s freedom #FreeAssangeToday
"As well as serving to malign Assange, the slanderous claims that he worked with the Russian government and Trump have already been used to directly attack his legal and democratic rights."
In its entire 12 year publishing history @Wikileaks has NEVER lost a court case & NEVER had to retract a story!
The DNC's lawsuit against WikiLeaks has been dismissed, with the judge noting that the publication of the DNC emails "is plainly of the type entitled to the strongest protection that the First Amendment offers."
Read the full ruling here: documentcloud.org/documents/6225…

An important win for free speech: we have won our motion to dismiss for @wikileaks in the @DNC lawsuit against #Assange, WikiLeaks et al over the 2016 US election publications on First Amendment grounds. Full judgment: documentcloud.org/documents/6225……… Key passages:

Day 109 since the brutal arrest of WikiLeaks editor & 2019 Nobel Peace Prize Nominee Julian #Assange at the 🇪🇨 Embassy in London after Ecuador's government illegally terminated his Political Asylum.
#ActNow #NoUSExtradition #FreeAssange - defend.wikileaks.org

Chelsea manning , Julian Assange now Glenn Greenwald. Only edward Snowden is safe as he's not in USA or an American patsy state
"Here's why Australian publisher
Julian Assange is in prison.
For publishing this
and this
and this
None of this is espionage.
It is publishing.
It is publishing.
It. Is. publishing."

How is Julian #Assange? He is in the hospital wing of Belmarsh explains
and we are extremely concerned about his health status.

"The scandalous treatment of Assange by the United States and the United Kingdom must end"
Alfred de Zayas,a leading expert in the field of human rights and international law
#FreeAssange #DropUSExtradition

Julian #Assange's lawyer has urged Prime Minister Scott Morrison to raise her client's extradition case when he meets with US vice president Mike Pompeo at the weekend.
Time capsule
Full Interview: Julian Assange on Trump, DNC Emails, Russia, the CIA, Va...
Julian Assange's full defence statement given to the Swedish sex crime prosecutor.
Craig Murray: "I do implore you to read it."
A US judge has ruled that #WikiLeaks was fully entitled to publish the Democratic National Congress (DNC) emails, which means no law was broken.
The Guardian has yet to apologise for two major fabrications: that #JulianAssange conspired with Moscow to escape Britain and that he met Trump crony Paul Manafort plus Russians.
#FreeAssange #PressFreedom