1) As the last day of #ADHDAwarenessMonth comes to a close, I am grateful for finding community in the #NeurodiverseSquad. I was diagnosed as a 49 year old adult. It saved my life. #ADHD
Both sides are true.
I knew this too and I hated that everyone was seemingly always mad at me.
BUT everything that I touched ended up in disappointment and anger from loved ones, bad grades, inconsistent performance reviews, broken relationships.
I carried a ton of shame. And still do.
I could never ask for help. I could never let you know that I was "incompetent or damaged"
I believed that I was both
I was trying as hard as I could, but nothing worked.
In the spring of 2017 struggling at work and in a failing relationship, I resigned.
I "thought" I was damaged. I "knew" I was depressed.
The medicine saved my life and still does to this day.
Small wins