Thabo Mbeki & Trevor Manuel redirected RDP fund away frm basic needs towards "corporate welfare"
Billions wer committed to Alusaf,partly owned by Gencor
Gencor ws owned by Zanele Mbeki's business partner,RUPERT👀
Wheres #ShamilaBatohi?
Gov't pays 16 MLN grant beneficiaries thru GRINDROD BANK
Grindrod deducts R10
R10x 9MLN=u do maths
Who owns Grindrod?
Imagine if Grindrod ws linked to Zuma!

Former Eskom chairman, President Mbeki close friend & now PIC chairman, #RuelKhoza & his consortium bought 75% of Sun Air
*Th consortium went to liquidation
*th state failed to recover R14MLN owed to it

Imagine if Moeletsi Mbeki was linked to President Jacob Zuma!!!

A meeting of cabinet ministers(Mbeki,Dullar Omar, @tito_mboweni,Manuel,Erwin) discussed #CIEXreport & few months later #ArmsDeal ws signed. There ws trade off, th world said don't ask us abt $240BLN,we'll giv u arms"
"Th #CiexReport casts a whole new light on Thabo Mbeki’s & #TrevorManuel’s roles in setting up the 1999 #ArmsDeal as a major source of party funding"

*R3.2bn- Absa
*R3bn to R6bn- Sanlam & Rembrandt
Thabo Mbeki,#TitoMboweni & #TrevorManuel dd nothn!
Who owned Absa,Sanlam & Rembrandt?
Answer: Rupert family👀

"Connect th dots"

Thabo Mbeki, Trevor Manuel & Tito Mboweni dd nothing!
R200 bn x 30yrs interest= u do th maths

Why dd Thabo Mbeki, #TitoMboweni & #GillMarcus plead ignorance bt declare it "non existent" & definitely nt up fr discussion?
In effect feel obliged to cover major CORRUPTION of #Apartheid era?

"A hand written note implied tht th 3 hd given feedback to th author abt certain issues in th report b4 th compilation of final version"

President Thabo Mbeki's friends benefitted hugely frm th #ArmsDeal!
Imagine if these guys were linked to President Jacob Zuma!!!

Uthingo ws awarded th license.
Uthingo members included UK companies &
Zanele Mbeki's consortium.
Imagine if #ZaneleMbeki ws Zuma's wife!

WMC (DA & #CR17 funders),ANC veterans,SACP,
Mbeki & Gordhan families,..
They OWN Gems(MMI),Discovery,Momentum Health,MetropolitanHealth,..

& Trevor Manuel
FORCED 1.2 MLN govt employees to b members of GEMS
MMI shareholders
WMC (DA & #CR17 funders),SACP, ANC veterans,
,Mbeki family,..
Minimum GEMS payment R1200 p month x 1.2 MLN employees
u do the maths

GEMS hs been administered by Metropolitan Health since inception!
Who r Metropolitan major shareholders?
Minimum GEMS payment R1200x1.2 MLN employees=u do th maths

Pres Thabo Mbeki & #TrevorManuel & #MariaRamos PRIVATISED Tourism SOE, Aventura.
WMC,Zanele Mbeki &Thabo Mbeki's legal advisor
Imagine if Zanele Mbeki ws Zuma's wife!

Thabo Mbeki
George SOROS as a member of South African investment council?

Pres Mbeki,#TrevorManuel & #MariaRamos SOLD Transnet's fleet management & leasing business to Bidvest.
Who owns Bidvest?
Imagine if it ws sold to anyone linked Zuma!

Bidvest has made BILLIONS thru TENDERS!
Bidvest Shareholders
WMC (DA & #CR17 funders),SACP,ANC veterans, Mbeki family,...
Imagine if Bidvest ws linked to Zuma!

Ask Rupert,Mbeki,SACP,Manuel

"Bidvest Protea Coin WON a tender ONCE @ Transnet bt tht tender ws extended 13 TIMES!"
Who Owns Bidvest?
Imagine if Bidvest ws linked to Zuma!