"The Poisons Code lists #nicotine (for human use when it is a Schedule 7 poison) as a substance that is not for general sale by retail. ..
So .. obviously #NRT has been assessed. #Cigarettes? Oh, my bad - they're EXEMPT from the SUSMP!
True. Also true of /many/ consumer goods. Some of which contain drugs (coffee, alcoholic beverages, guava based drinks ..)
So you're trying to overrule the Personal Importation Scheme (tga.gov.au/personal-impor…) administered by the (federal) @TGAgovau?
Since when could states of #Australia claim primacy over federal regulations? (Rhetorical: /Since NEVER!/)
Tip: 'cos they're consumer goods, not therapies.
Tip 2: Not asking them to 'support' it