Looks like I am not the only one that no longer wants to vote for #Trump in 2020 if he goes through with the #EjuiceBan.

Nope, it is in there under #menthol flavors but only 6% of #vapers in a survey liked Tobacco flavor compared to #dessert and fruit flavors.

I will give the highlights next. #VapeLife
I know you hate #FakeNews @realDonaldTrump , but it seems that someone has given that to you.

#vape #Vapenation #VapersUnite #vapelyfe #ejuice #vapingsaveslives #vapingrestrictionsaffectme #StopTheEjuiceBan

#Vapenation #VapeBan #VapersUnite

Here is the #VapingKills culprit, NOT regular #Ejuice.
Your voting base and those who #Vape
#VapeBan #VapersUnite #VapingBan #vapingsaveslives #StoptheVapeBan
Do you really want to help usher in possible socialism?