Aims for blue H2 at a cost of 2-3 EUR/kg (50-80 EUR/MWh), competitive at a CO2 price of 50-70 EUR/tCO2
Short thread…
Uses autothermal reforming (ATR) to produce H2. CO2 is captured, liquified, then shipped on Rhine down to Rotterdam and onwards to Norway, where it will be sequestered offshore.
Mixing H2 into the natural gas network is poo-pooed because the exact mixture at the final customer cannot be guaranteed.
Regulation of cross-border CO2 transport for storage requires bilateral treaties since Germany has not yet ratified the relevant amendment to the London Protocol of 1972.
By 2030 it will be a close running, according to this paper:…
One should also keep on eye on fugitive CH4 and CO2 emissions, and factor those in.
As always, interested in your thoughts!