In the 1990's this man below, Liam Fox was sacked by the Conservative Party
At the time he was sacked he ran a think tank called #AtlanticBridge.
The documents revealed by Jeremy Corbyn today have been 20 years in the making.

Look who else was involved in these discussions.
DANIEL HANNAN ! The Brexit reptile.…
"George Osborne, William Hague,Michael Gove were all on the advisory council of Atlantic Bridge, a conservative, transatlantic organisation aimed at promoting the “special relationship” between 🇺🇸🇬🇧"
Liam Fox was the chair.…
This continues now with Brexit being the key that unlocks the door. The USA right wing interests are funding TORY Brexit.…
So when you see the poison Kate Andrew shilling for her IEA 'think tank' bare in mind that IEA is just a replacement for the now defunct discredited #AtlanticBridge
Guys this is serious DO NOT VOTE CONSERVATIVE OR BREXIT PARTY #GeneralElection2019

So here is a deep dive in to #AtlanticBridge
"establish, and then develop rapidly, a strong, well-positioned, network of like-minded conservatives in politics, business, journalism and academe on both sides of the Atlantic."…
@GeorgeMonbiot takes up the links to Brexit in this excellent piece about Dark Money funding Brexit.
"Another funder (of #AtlanticBridge) was the pharmaceutical company Pfizer."…
One of the main donors to the Tories at the time was this guy. He funded #AtlanticBridge
"Michael Hintze: Liam Fox backer who helped to bankroll foreign trips "…
In 2011 when Liam Fox had resigned due to questions linked to this - the media did it's usual 'reporting light' acknowledging the hint of corruption without the follow through. #AtlanticBridge
Back to Monbiot
"The Heritage Foundation is now at the heart of Trump’s administration. Its board members, fellows and staff comprise a large part of his transition team. Among them are Rebekah Mercer [CAMBRIDGE ANALYTICA]"…
Back to more recent events and NHS talks for Trade.
Here was Jeremy Hunt in USA in 2017 with a trade secretary - Antonia Romeo.
The NHS WAS DISCUSSED.. along with an 'Operating Model' for Pharma.
Hunt has links too to Healthcare NGO 'think tanks'

Some say it's all a 'scaremongering' by Labour and it 'could lead to cheaper medicines', but please consider that USA has serious problems with it's healthcare.
Insulin "she sometimes pays more than $300 for the same amount."!…
Example 1
What Pharma do is milk the system for as long as possible and then cave in under pressure.
$600 for 2 pack of Epipens. NHS UK charged £53 for the same.…
"Drug repositioning offers more immediate value than developing a new chemical entity. "
What Pharma do is the following scam - they invent a new use for a profitable drug.
They re-purpose by funding research that says it's also good for 'x or y'

Example 2
Price between the U.S. and Canada. The retail price of a vial of Humalog in the U.S. is $300.
In Canada, the same vial costs $32.
According to media reports, a growing number of Americans cross the border into Canada to get insulin.
Admittedly Labour under Blair was complicit but the Tories did not challenge this, in fact they initiated and then embraced it themselves - PFI on steroids..
This is part of an actual TORY NHS contract. 😡…

Blair and Tories shares some donors.…
Here are some Parliamentary minutes from #Hansard on the introduction of PFI.
And he will continue to fight.

Diane warned us that PFI would be a disaster.

The 2012 Health and Social Care Act allowed a different type of contract to happen.
This was PFI on steroids - a £1 Billion Contract to run 6 Hospitals, but with profits offshored to tax havens.
You all know Crispin Odey - Mr. Brexit Tory donor?