Why are you attacking me😕?
You should make an effort to eliminate the 68,000 fake accounts that spread Fake News🤨👇🏼
I only expose corruption & war crimes😊
Please, stop attacking who fight for peace😉
Join us😉

Don't act like a dictatorship, like the Bolivian dictatorship that is eliminating all the media that exposes their crimes & corruption.

Give voice to the victims & protected all those who struggle to expose these crimes.

Freedom of expression & information is 1 of the rights, freedoms & guarantees enshrined in the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic & is also protected in most international & European legal instruments on human rights

"In Portuguese law, there is no such thing as a "crime of opinion". The importance attached to freedom of expression is so high that it is not even forbidden to criticize or challenge other values or principles enshrined in the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic".
"There are no interdicted opinions, in the sense of prohibiting different opinions of a certain "truth" received and protected by the State".
🗣️📢Stop controlling my account
Portugal- Free Speech & Free Press
freespeechfreepress.wordpress.com/portugal/ via
Article 10 –Freedom of expression
1. Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions & to receive & impart information & ideas without interference by public authority & regardless of frontiers

☑️Portuguese Constitution
☑️European Convention on Human Rights
🗣️📢Stop controlling my account.
🗣️📢This is #CENSORSHIP & according to Portuguese & European law YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO DO SO.