Thank you @narendramodi ji led @BJP4India.
@Ramesh_BJP @vanitajain21 @VarierSangitha @Being_Vinita @nrajabpcl
Ref: #Naazehind

A. The Crusade against corruption should be taken to its logical conclusion.
B. Population Control Law is a necessity that must be immediately brought.
C. To Improve the Quality of Life in Urban India, Access to clear Air, Water, Land should be declared the basic right, with 100% mandatory waste recycling.
D. To Improve Life Quality in rural India, Dumping ground for waste shouldn't be shifted to rural areas outside cities
E. New Education Policy should be brought, which should lay emphasis on Character Building, Moral education, Vocational Training
F. Smart City Project shud be taken up to its logical finish with a focus on Sustainability, Mobility, Accessibility, Recyclability, Tech-Enability
G. National Health Mission with Inclusion of Ayush should convert to National Wellness Mission, with Integration of National E-health Record System.
H. Healthcare/Education facilities should improve across Tier 2 and 3 towns so that the dependence on metros gets decreased.
I. Basic equality index should be the priority for downtrodden, Rights to Services against taxes should be given to Taxpayers
J. Increase investments in Smart Policing & Improve Law Delivery mechanism.
K. Strong trained forces for Indians as much as we need for our borders.
L. Connecting the Jigsaw puzzle of Agrarian crisis taking huge bets in Agriculture converting India into the world's leading food provider
M. With a tested team already in place, the impetus on Infra development, roads, airports, waterways, healthcare, education shud continue
N. Focus on being World's Services Sourcing Hub rather than Production Hub. The world will require more Doctors, Engineers, Scientists, Teachers, Artists, etc when automation has eaten up the production jobs. We as a nation should be ready to face such a situation.
O. India should focus on being in the top 5 countries of the World by 2024, in terms of having World's best cities for quality of life, accessibility, education, Job opportunities, standard of living, quality of manpower, ethics, Integrity etc.
P. We were #VishwaGuru because of our knowledge and less emphasis on material goods aka consumerism. That focus needs to return towards our culture, traditions, roots etc.
Q. Women and youth empowerment is the need of the hour. The participation of youth in the Political process of India needs a start. All parties should mandate 50% of seats for people under 50 out of which they should keep some reserved for Women.
2019-2024 should see the Building of #NewIndia whose foundations has been tirelessly laid by @BJP4India under the leadership of our #PM