In last 3 days, 3 Dems have withdrawn from Dem primary race - Sestak, Bullock & Harris today. Is this an attempt by DNC to focus attention to another #Neoliberal Dem or possibly usher in another? Cause they are certainly not going to throw in the towel against @BernieSanders.
Big #DemocraticParty #Fuckery news are the millions being spent by the billionaires Bloomberg & Steyer on ads: $142M - Bloomberg & $67M - Steyer.
Bloomberg's biggest focus are highest delegate states of CA, TX, FL, then NY.

#DemocraticParty’s presidential delegate process overview, might help some to better understand this process in light of @DNC #superdelegate rule change Aug. 2018
Thanks @BWilliamsMont for the heads up on article…
Thread on @DNC Chair Tom Perez nominations to the 2020 DNC Convention Committees 😱
Petition to @DNC to remove John Podesta from any 2020 DNC Convention Committees, due to Podesta being one of the central figures that plotted to select rather, than elect, the party's nominee in 2016.
Please sign ✍️🏼✍️🏼✍️🏼…
@NomikiKonst interviewed about @DNC Chair @TomPerez's 2020 DNC Convention Committee List; explaining #DemocraticParty (@DNC) is a corporation w/ no #transparency & 75% of List are consultants, lobbyist...the monied interests that are influencing @DNC.
#WheresTheDemocracy #Democracy #Progressives…
#DNCFuckery rule change for Bloomberg
“Now, at this late hour, to change @DNC rules to accommodate a billionaire who wants to buy his way into party would be unconscionable. No one should be allowed to buy their way onto debate stage or nomination.”…
@DNC members discuss rules change to allow undemocratic #Superdelegates to vote in 1st round to stop @BernieSanders at #DemocraticPrimary 2020 Convention
Fuck the Russians, corporate #Neoliberal #DNCFuckery destroying our #Democracy from the inside.…
Do not enter that world of despair.
DESPAIR IS NOT AN OPTION!!!" - @BernieSanders
#PresidentBernieSanders #Bernie2020 #NotMeUs #Progressives #DemocraticSocialists🌹#Socialists #IndependentVoters
#WeAreTheirWorstNightmare - They're VERY nervous about @BernieSanders
#NotMeUs #Revolution
#Bernie2020 #PresidentBernieSanders #WeAreTrumpsWorstNightmare
More #DNCFuckery afoot
"After @DNC Chr @TomPerez unilaterally changed Feb. 19 pres debate requirements, opening door for Bloomberg, 2 campaign surrogates are in position to propose changes to #superdelegate voting rules for July #DNCConvention."…
Documents reveal @DNC was 'intimately involved' in development of disasterous #IowaCaucus #Shadow app
Did @DNC mmbrshp vote how Debates would be conducted? NO
Did DNC mmbrshp vote on spending money on #ShadowApp? NO
Did DNC mmbrshp vote on contracts given out? NO
Did DNC mmbrshp vote on who's going to be on Rules Comm? NO...
Who decided? Chair @TomPerez

Only #Bernie2020 stood up for Democracy & will of the people.
Only thing that's "over" @HardballChris, is fascist stranglehold over media & minds y'all have had.
We're gaining momentum to take back our #DemocraticParty, America & #Democracy.
The #NotMeUs #Revolution is marching back to the #Left.
💙 Hall of the Mountain King 🎶