Chair promises a 2020 process that is fair. Will release a protocol on debates soon; expect debates in summer 2019 . Will decide by March 2019 the Host City for 2020 Convention: Houston, Miami Beach, or Milwaukee.
We worked to elect more Secretaries of State.
We now have a majority of Democratic State Attorneys General!
1. 3 Mar-a-lago Members shadow running the VA are causing harm to our veterans
2. Republicans are making up the term “vote harvesting” though usually they WANT Military Ballots to be counted as cast!
#DNC should look at our state voting systems and make it easier for people to vote.
We are doing this in Harris County, Texas to have early voting and easier voting access.
Beto lost by 200,000 vote deficit - those additional voters are in Harris.
Will give a detailed breakdown of where the money went so we can map out outgoing engagement going forward
For the first time they understood that preexisting conditions were part of the ACA.
People did not see a personal benefit to the #GOPtaxbill - its favorability is only at 30%
Democrats won the argument on health care taxed and #immigration in House races.
Ads are up at
Trump is still very strong in the Midwest and Democrats need to campaign on our positives not his negatives to beat him in 2020.
Guy said we have to do it all - grassroots, targeted ads & talk about health care as a policy issue not a legislative issue
#HELLO @LittleLobbyists @votevets @HealthCareVoter @AFLCIO @AFSCME @SEIU @AFTunion @MoveOn @PPact @peoplefor etc ❤️
There is huge anxiety in people who feel stuck with higher costs and don’t want a hand out but a hand up. #Education and #labor rights are key.