Stay tuned to this THREAD for stories from Iowans on #MedicareForAll and #CollegeForAll
AND for updates on a direct action against CORPORATE POWER.
We Talk. We Act. We get it done!

-- @CCIAction president, Cherie Mortice

"And that's why @CCIAction endorses @BernieSanders."

1. Are they with us on the issues?
✅ #MedicareForAll
✅ #GreenNewDeal
✅ End racial profiling and the private prison industry
✅ #FightFor15
✅ Immigration Reform and Ending indefinite Detention
When @BernieSanders says that real change will never happen from the top down, but from the bottom up he is declaring the revolutionary demand of @CCIAction's membership has been shouting to rafters for years.
@BernieSanders's campaign is building truly impressive infrastructure and continually demonstrating his ability attract and organize the people who have been left out by the political establishment.
This pillar distinguishes @BernieSanders above others. Throughout his political career his commitment to co-governance shows in joining strike lines, amplifying community demands, and introducing bold legislation.
We endorse @BernieSanders who has organized people who have lost faith in our broken political system.
@CCIAction is endorsing Bernie because he is with US on our issues.
That is Movement Politics!


#NotMeUs #freecollegeforall
@BernieSanders matches our vision like no other candidate’s.

#NotMeUs #BigUs
#FreeCollegeForAll #FC4A

-- @CCIAction member Dartanyan Brown

💧clean water

"Sanders stands with us in calling for a moratorium on Factory Farms!
"Bernie trusts us to participate in government on an equal footing."
"It is wrong, violent, and deadly."
"People’s lives are on the line. This election is our chance to save our lives and the lives of people all over the country.
"We need #MedicareForAll now and we need @BernieSanders to make it happen."
The Master Builders of IA (@MBIsince1912) are members of @P4AHCF, the dark money front group that has poured hundreds of millions into ads spreading lies about #MedicareForAll.

Why? To preserve their billions.
@MBIsince1912 is the local front group in Iowa.…
So we stormed The Master Builders of Iowa offices.
More than 250,000 medical fundraisers are added a year and raise $650 million annually.
@P4AHCF wants to keep us begging to live and dying for corporate profits.…
Do the members of @MBIsince1912 even know they're part of @P4AHCF?
@CCIAction endorsed @BernieSanders because of these stories. Because @P4AHCF is spending hundreds of millions to lie to us and keep us sick.
The only solution is #Medicareforall.
@CCIAction endorsed @BernieSanders because we need a movement to save our lives.