I'll take a few tweets to list what he's doing.
Because I think moderates will decide next Thursday.
John doesn't deny the validity of the #Brexit vote. He doesn't revoke or renegotiate. John's Brexit isn't a better Brexit
Instead, he asks where are the promises made to people for their vote?
Anyone who voted for frictionless trade or Norway immediately relates.

Have you noticed this contentious huge project has no risks?
Name one? How long could it delay us? What could be the range of cost?
Any risk is "project fear"
At work, I see project risks everywhere. I know the danger of hiding risks. Guarantees things go wrong.
John didn't say this, I inferred it.
Normal people need to make sure we have enough money. Kids, holidays, food. So we budget
A country is the same. but we have no Brexit budget?
More extremism. If I hide bills from my partner coz I spent too much, that's divorce
Most of us were kids😉. Remember who was better at art, maths, languages or sport?
When John talked about individuals who enhance and policies which unite, I saw another tribal risk.
Without diversity you miss things. An extremist Brexit is more likely to fail.
John was unambiguous that Brexit is a bad idea. But he didn't say don't vote Tory. He said use your head.
If you're moderate that means making the right choice.
If we Brexit, it's for all of us - 66 million at some point we forgot it's not just for 17.4m
When was Brexit about one party?
And how does that make it better?
How does that listen to people in Scotland or N Ireland?
I'm tired of Brexit. I really am. But it will be worse if we slam in the wrong thing because we can't work together.
John doesn't sweat.
He doesn't bumble
He is prepared.
He doesn't bluster
No lies.
When he states his position
Something remarkable
He empathises with those who disagree
He doesn't grimace, insult or offend them
That thing.
More, please.