Let’s understand the ancestral principles behind marriage.
A Thread
1. Ilobolo
2. Ibizo
3. Umgcagco.
4 is special - this is when two spiritually gifted individuals are brought together in a special ritual
This is where a goat is slaughtered on wife’s side and a piece is carried to the grooms family where another goat is slaughtered and again a piece is taken back.
I want us to understand the ancestral meaning behind Umgcagco.
You are engaged - ingoduso. You cannot start using the husbands surname nor can he make you.
From this day onwards your Husbands family must ensure you are loved, looked after, protected and allowed to flourish.
And in the same breath, a man must also be a son to the wife’s family. That’s why ilobolo ayaqedwa.
This is no different to Imbeleko.
No blood has been spilt therefore she is still a member of her own family. Simply slaughtering a goat and cleansing can sever the tie of engagement.
If the husband passes away , the wife can happily remarry but amalobolo will go to the husbands family and it will be them who release her.
This is where the problem lies. Too manu families love to pick and choose when to apply isintu and ancestral principles.
And then I’ll deal with the surname implications of divorce and children. Finally ending with cases from work.