In #Parliament, Home Minister asserted that ‘lakhs and crores’ of people will benefit from #CAA2019
We did #FactCheck and dug out some data from Questions answered in #RajyaSabha
What we found is interesting and revealing
As recently as on 8th August 2018, Ministry of Home Affairs claimed in #RajyaSabha that data on people from minority communities coming to India on ground of religious persecution from different provinces of Pakistan is not centrally maintained

Interestingly, MHA did say that issue of persecution was taken up with Govt of Pakistan and Bangladesh diplomatically.
What Pakistan and Bangladesh said can be seen in pictures below, which was reproduced in atleast 3 responses, all in 2014.

So, then what data do we have?
We have data on:
1. How many granted Long Term Visa over the years
2. How many granted citizenship over the years
3. How many people overstayed their Visa
4. How many deported
None of these are even close to ‘lakhs and crores’
First on Long Term Visa
In 2011, an SOP was put in place to grant LTV to foreign nationals who claimed to be refugees, feared persecution on various grounds (not just religion)
LTV made them eligible for pvt sector jobs, education.
This done as no law on Refugees

So, how many people were granted LTV over the years?
Pak nationals (including minorities)
2013– 3085
2014– 2779
2015– 2142
2016– 2298
2017– 4712
Bangladesh nationals (including minorities)
2013- 109
2014– 126
2015– 4 (till 31 March 2015)
Beyond this data not found
How many were granted citizenship over the years?
Pakistan Nationals (including minorities)
Between 2003 and 2014 - 5223
2015 - 262
2016 - 670
2017 – 474
No such data found on Bangladesh nationals
From Afghanistan, between 2011-15, 468 given citizenship
How were they granted Citizenship?
Pak Nationals staying in India on LTV can get citizenship under Citizenship Act, 1955 and Rules, 2009
These provisions are applicable to all foreigners
Govt said that it doesn’t discriminate on basis of nationality

How many overstayed visa? This could make one an ‘illegal migrant’ as per Citizenship Act 1955
Data shows this number is going down
As on 31.12.2012– 71164
As on 31.12.2013- 56785
As on 30.06.2014– 25209
From Pakistan– 5264, Bangladesh– 1356, Afghanistan– 514
As per Citizenship Act anyone entering India without valid document is also ‘illegal migrant’
But, regarding such people, govt has no data as their entry into country is ‘clandestine and surreptitious’. This was repeated in several responses, as latest as on 4.12.2019

How many deported? (For overstaying visa or other violations)
Pakistani Nationals
Bangladeshi Nationals
39 Bangladeshi Nationals deported from Assam Detention Centres in 2016-17
Total foreigners deported
……. (Data couldn’t be found)
22 Myanmar nationals deported since August 2017 (While providing this info, Govt said that it doesn’t discriminate between foreign nationals on basis of religion)

So, given this data provided by the Govt in #RajyaSabha, where are the ‘lakhs and crores’ who will benefit from #CAA2019 ?
Citizens and MPs must demand answers from the Govt
Information is power and will help inform debate and opinion!
Some more data on how many Pakistani Nationals applied for citizenship and how many got