Tomorrow, #RajyaSabha is scheduled to have a discussion on reported use of spyware #Pegasus to
compromise phone data of some persons through WhatsApp
Calling attention initiated by Digvijay Singh, INC
We will bring live updates
Stay Tuned!

Ravi Shankar Prasad, IT MINISTER makes his statement-
Ministry took cognizance of the vulnerability
#NSO #Pegasus exploited vulnerability by not just reading messages but sending malwares with phishing
On may 2019, #Whatsapp sent out notification informing that there was breach, taken care of.
Whastapp believed that software may have breached 121 users in India
Further clarifications have been sought from whatsapp in Nov 2019 with impact on Indian users
#Whatsapp had regretted its inability to meet guidelines of Govt to privacy and freedom of its citizens to India freely. Safety and security of citizens is of utmost importance.
Did govt privately use #Pegasus, if so it is a violation of Fundamental Rights.
How can you prove any of your agency wasn't associated in it?
Tell why haven't these issues been taken seriously yet as it is a world of cyber war.
#kudankulam cyber attack and the related dangers, what's done about it?
We know the thief but nobody is daring to do anything about it.
Has any enquiry started against #NSO?
Inform who all have been hacked?
Is there any list by #whatsapp?
#NSO says only sell to govt agency, tell which agency, how much spent for same and from where?
Chattisgarh and Maharashtra govt officials meeting with NSO details should be disclosed.
Pegasus not only hacks, also plants fake docs, in koregaon case I was framed.
Google has been used for surveillance by govt.
I blame that the Govt top leaders knew everything, used illegally. Disclose minutes of PM meeting with the officials of tech companies about Pegasus.
Pegasus was used to snoop socio political activists, politicians and journalists.
Why did govt hide info they got from FB and what did you do immediately and not issue a notification about threat? Why not caution public?
If have nothing to hide, table reply
Owner of #NSO says that only to govt and its agencies, how did it get to India?
How can we believe that govt has no role in snooping people? Privacy is a Fundamental Right u/art 21, SC itself upheld it. Bring data protection law.
There is a new love for Israeli mode of surveillance and governance.
There is no permanent fixing position that this and this person is under surveillance.
Contradiction in Minister's response. No proper reason given.
What about security? Is it a chewing gum?
#Pegasus not only goes for encryption or decryption but also planting. We are all vulnerable.
We shall all be impacted, fundamental right to privacy need to be protected
This is a bad thing, and there many more such softwares, we won't even be able to speak freely.
What is govt doing to safeguard us and our data of phones and what is being done against those who already did it?
Kehkashan perween, JD(U):
Need a composite policy for protecting of data.
#Pegasus discussion
Give details of strengthening of IT Act
V vijaisai Reddy, YSRCP:
Govt is committed to protect data thru data protection act but till then, how can privacy be protected?
European law doesn't allow data to be shared with orgs, our act against SC directions.
Right to privacy a FR, not a political issue
People used to be afraid in 80s and 90s about privacy of calls and letters.
Suggests Indian govt to develop knowledge among masses. Develop a parallel of #whatsapp.
Cyber security is govt priority.
We live in a digital world, info, communication is power.
We are population of 130 crores, digatalisation is becoming very important
Our UPI today is a global phenomena and so Is #Aadhaar
Bridging gap between digital haves and have nots
All states taking steps for digital inclusion
Tech facilitates, empowers but has problems
The SC has upheld privacy as FR we All accepted that. But a terrorist or corrupt person has no right to privacy as per SC.
Everyone has smartphones, even rickshawalas, this is empowerment
FR is also subject to reasonable restrictions
19(1) gives freedom but 19(2)-(6) give conditions
Our national security being compared to a chewing gum, remember we mourned 26/11 two days ago
In the interest of sovereignty and safety of India, data can be intercepted as per IT law.
There is proper oversight, so for safety we do this and even respect people's privacy and rights
Data protection law is robust
India will never compromise on its data and digital sovereignty
(On mob lychings) #Whatsapp has regulated how many messages can be forwarded at once and setup its office in India
If msg spreads violence, it's origin, circulator of nuisance has to be informed
I replied to #whatsapp that we got to know your message. Two high officials came to meet me, they never mentioned it as a problem.
How can govt of india join a battle between two private non Indian companies
We have done a lot and will continue to do so
In case your privacy is breached, as per IT law you can file an FIR. Not even a single complaint till date, but all this concern emerged after this news broke out specifically from ppl with specific ideology.
#Pegasus discussion
Minister- their officials come and meet as we have huge user base but we have a standard operating procedure that is followed that doesn't compromise with national safety
[So, is that a 'Yes'?]
Army men, border personnel give their lives but don't think about their privacy. We must think about them
We need to activise the state govt more for more actions and better security
#Pegasus debate
You wholly have right to safeguard national safety. Did you ask #whatsapp further, discuss or send a notice or anything? Have you purchased the #Pegasus software or not?
Digvijay Singh repeats his question
Minister - if Digvijay Singh thinks that terrorism should be strongly dealt with, then he shouldn't interfere and question it further.
#Pegasus debate
Some chaos in House
Anand sharma-
It's not a question of service provider Google or #whatsapp. Besides authorized SOP, have govt authorities made unauthorized use of this software?
#Pegasus debate
Manoj kr jha- answer- either deny or accept
Discussion ends abruptly
#Pegasus debate