@NickKristof on why you could choose 2019 as the best year in all history to be alive.
Short thread that adds my ruminations to the @nytimes article.

But I have hope since more egality is better for us amazon.co.uk/Spirit-Level-E… and we all want it. ted.com/talks/dan_arie…
I think reason will prevail.

Also written up by @Noahpinion & @dwallacewells
We can get massively more energy than we could possibly want from either solar, wind or nuclear.
Solar and wind are rapidly getting cheaper.
Soon it's just stupid to keep burning fossil fuel.
"Three things are true at the same time.
The world is much better,
the world is awful,
the world can be much better.
Let's keep trying to make the world a better place by working against all that is awful,
but let's get energy and hope from the provable fact that we are changing most things for the better.