#EugeneVindman should be subpoenaed to determine if he was among the seven or more U.S. officials, or if he just heard from them.
cnn.com/interactive/20… #DNC
It was synchronized collusion.
rawstory.com/2019/10/impeac… #whistleblower
thefederalist.com/2019/09/27/int… #Pelosi
“If you think that wrongdoing took place, but can provide nothing more than second-hand or unsubstantiated assertions, [the Inspector General] will not be able to process the complaint."
Why would "more than half a dozen U.S. officials" want to tell their "fact patterns" to the one who became the whistleblower?
foxnews.com/politics/intel… #EugeneVindman
“I was not a direct witness to MOST of the events described."


How did he know what was supposed to be a fact?
If he's not the primary #whistleblower, he should be subpoenaed by the Senate to simply say he isn't — under oath.
He doesn't have to prove his presumed innocence.
It’s the same with #EugeneVindman.
Why would "more than half a dozen U.S. officials" want to spill their "fact patterns" on the one who became the #whistleblower?