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Jan 6th 2023
Press Release:
CFC Statement on the release of Ana Belen Montes… #Cuba #DI #Espionage 1/ Image
Ana Belen Montes, the Pentagon's top analyst for Cuba who was arrested on September 21, 2001 for spying for the Castro regime for 17 years will be released from a U.S. prison in a matter of hours.… 2/
It is important to recall the damage that she did to U.S. national security, and her successful campaign as an agent of influence to downplay the threat Cuba poses to the United States, and other democracies in the region.… 3/
Read 21 tweets
Nov 19th 2022
November 10, 2022 #Almaty

On November 11, 2022, at 15:00, the Almaly District Court will hold a trial on a politically motivated criminal case under Article 259 (“recruitment or training or arming of persons for the purpose of organizing terrorist or extremist activities”)
and Article 405 (“organization and participation in extremist organization") against political prisoner Nagashybay #Sharekenov and other defendants.
Judge #Kassymbekov E.
Nagashybay Sharikenov, 61, was detained on January 11, 2022 by #NSC officers at his home. NSC officers searched his home, confiscated two books (probably religious literature) and two telephones, according to his wife. Nothing else was found at home.
Read 7 tweets
Oct 1st 2022
SEMINAL ARTICLE re: #ICD11 Chapter 08 - Diseases of the #NervousSystem 🧠

Study Title: The #leptomeninges as a critical organ for normal #CNS development and function: first patient and public involved systematic review of #arachnoiditis (chronic #meningitis). @PLOSONE

#CES- #CaudaEquina Syndrome
#DLM – Diseases of the #Leptomeninges
#ESI- #Epidural Steroid Injection
LM - #Leptomeninges
#LMF- #Leptomeningeal #Fibrosis
#NAA- #neuraxialanesthesia
PSR- PRISMA Systematic Review
#SAH- #Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
#SAS- #Subarachnoid Space

Key Findings:

1. A varyingly described, and poorly characterized #CNS disease called #arachnoiditis (aka #adhesivearachnoiditis) was exhaustively systematically-reviewed for the first time.
Read 27 tweets
May 15th 2022
Since my earlier tweet on #IranProtests, I have been asked what the #Biden administration should do that would be constructive and supportive of the protestors, who may have been triggered by food prices but whose anger is much deeper and more profound. Here are 3 ideas: 1/5
1) @WhiteHouse should announce that, in accordance with longstanding policy, US pursuit of a new nuclear deal in no way constricts our right and duty to speak out in support of #Iranians exercising the universal right of free speech and assembly. 2/5
2) @POTUS should task #NSC to coordinate all-of-government support to help Iranians access the internet, circumventing #Iran’s draconian restrictions. This should include outreach to tech companies to assist/support online access for people of #Iran. 3/5
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May 14th 2022
#Tablazo ¿Quien es el enigmático venezolano, del equipo del "autoproclamado" Guaidó, que el 5FEB 2020 planteó en oficina de Trump la opción del secuestro-asesinato del Pdte. Nicolás Maduro? La historia la presenta el ex secretario de Defensa Mark Esper en su libro A Sacred Oath. ImageImage
El relato de Esper, rescatado por el embajador de Venezuela en la ONU, Samuel Moncada, reseña con detalles la discusión en la Casa Blanca entre la delegación encabezada por Guaidó y funcionarios de seguridad y defensa de la administración Trump, frente al propio exmandatario. Image
En el reporte expone que la delegación formada por Guaidó, Carlos Vecchio y Julio Borges, pasó de la discusión de dos modalidades de invasión (directa de soldados de EEUU o mercenarios desde Colombia) a una operación especial de secuestro o asesinato del presidente venezolano.
Read 12 tweets
Apr 22nd 2022
Just in

#Pakistan's top security forum, the #NSC, attended by top Govt, military, and intelligence officials, chaired by PM @CMShehbaz, concludes there is no "foreign conspiracy" behind ex-PM #ImranKhan's exit from power after he lost parliamentary majority and was voted out. /1
Ex-PM #ImranKhan's conspiracy claim debunked by #Pakistan's top security forum:

"NSC discussed telegram from 🇵🇰 Emb in 🇺🇸 (...) informed by premier security agencies they found no evidence of any conspiracy (...) The NSC (...) concludes there has been no foreign conspiracy." /2
Today's National Security Committee of the Cabinet is more credible than the Mar 31 meet that ex-PM #ImranKhan politicized. This meeting is strengthened by the presence of Amb @asadmk17, ex-Washington, the Amb who wrote the cable and briefed the NSC. /3
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Apr 12th 2022

Political persecution of civil activist Sabyrzhan #KASENOV.

On 30 March at around 10:00 pm, illegal surveillance was set up outside the house of the civil activist Sabyrzhan KASENOV.


The National Security Committee (#NSC) / police have been persistently searching for the activist since the January protests in #Kazakhstan.


#ProtestJanuary2022 Image
Thus, the authorities of Kazakhstan are demonstrating that the "New Kazakhstan" - is the same old Kazakhstan with political repression, impunity for political persecution of civilians, etc.

#Magnitsky #NoToCorruption
Read 4 tweets
Mar 13th 2022
Civil activist Ulbolsyn #TURDIYEVA's message: 
March 8, 2022 City of #Aktau
In early January, 2022, I, Ulbolsyn #TURDIYEVA, monitored the peaceful protests in the city of Aktau. There, I confronted some aggressive devotees of the destructive religious movement (the Salafis)
and other provocateurs controlled by the #NSC (National Security Committee). They harassed the peaceful protesters, me and other activists. 
On a tip from the NSC these Salafis intended to arrange a crackdown of the peaceful protesters

and threatened the people that they would start rioting if the protesters didn't go home. These provocateurs attempted to disperse the crowd using their cars - they blocked the road and didn't allow people to pass through to join other protesters.

Read 7 tweets
Oct 28th 2020
My former boss—Robert S. Taylor, who served as Acting General Counsel at Department of Defense—with a strong warning to federal employees across departments and agencies.

Two federal laws that could punish #ElectionInterference.


2. Two laws — Hatch Act and Antideficiency Act — can impose stiff penalties (including prison time) for federal employees who illegally undermine the election.

The latter could apply to federal actions that use funds that have not been appropriated by Congress for that purpose.
3. "Every federal employee should assume that if he or she carries out an activity intended to impair or impede the election... their conduct will be judged by people deeply upset over the effort to entrench a President viewed as a threat to the very foundations of our democracy"
Read 5 tweets
Mar 30th 2020
To help explain the value of #CDC to the stock market-obsessed Trump administration, in Nov 2018 colleagues and I wrote this article about the links between global health security & the US economy, including effects on jobs, tourism, travel, and education.…
We even made it an infographic, so they could understand how devastating a global outbreak could be on various sectors, at-a-glance.…
We broke all of this down for individual states and shared this analysis widely on the Hill. Here's a piece of the one for #NewYork. Image
Read 8 tweets
Dec 30th 2019
The #whistleblower said: "Over the past four months, more than half a dozen U.S. officials have informed me of various facts related to this effort."
#EugeneVindman should be subpoenaed to determine if he was among the seven or more U.S. officials, or if he just heard from them.
#Whistleblower: “I was not the only non-White House official to receive a readout of the call. Based on my understanding, multiple State Department and Intelligence Community officials were also briefed on the contents of the call as outlined above.”… #DNC
The #whistleblower states clearly in his report his conclusions were based on direct collaboration with “more than half a dozen U.S. officials” who had been feeding him the same "fact patterns" since April, 2019, three months before the July call.
It was synchronized collusion.
Read 17 tweets
Nov 8th 2019
@ChanelRion @OANN @NeilWMcCabe2 #EricCiaramella’s attorney is referring only to #Ciaramella as “my client”
“that places my client, [and his other whistleblower client] the #IntelligenceCommunityWhistleblower, and their family”… #whistleblower #EugeneVindman #YevgenyVindman #AdamSchiff
@ChanelRion @OANN @NeilWMcCabe2 Read the attorney's letter:
"the President equated whistleblowers and my client — AS WELL AS MY OTHER WHISTLEBLOWER CLIENT”
“Let me be clear: Should any harm befall any suspected named whistleblower or their family, the blame will rest squarely with your client,”
@ChanelRion @OANN @NeilWMcCabe2 "While engaging in foreign affairs at the United States Mission to the United Nations in New York on September 26, 2019, the President equated whistleblowers and my client [#Ciaramella] — AS WELL AS MY OTHER #WHISTLEBLOWER CLIENT — with “spies”, stating:"…
Read 32 tweets
Nov 3rd 2019
@charliekirk11 "The Inspector General shall not disclose the identity of the employee … unless he determines such disclosure is unavoidable during the course of the investigation ..."
He is the only official specifically prohibited from identifying the #whistleblower.…
@charliekirk11 #AlexanderVindman testified that the White House’s rough transcript was mostly accurate in describing the contents of the July 25 phone call between #tRump & #Zelensky aside from the edits he wanted to make.… #tRumpImpeachment #tRumpism #Penceism #Bidenism
Read 18 tweets
Jan 20th 2019
1/ #CNP Members and Organizations
"The Council for National Policy (CNP) is a body that mixes large numbers of ostensibly mainstream conservatives with far-right and extremist ideologues, mostly from the far fringes of the religious right...…
2/ "What follows is a list of 18 of the hardest-line #CNP members and links to information about them and their groups, when available, published in the past by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). Groups designated by the SPLC as hate groups are marked with an asterisk (*).."
Tony Perkins
*Family Research Council
Washington, D.C.
CNP Vice President

* Designated as hate group
Read 205 tweets
Aug 13th 2018
(1) The @WhiteHouse Situation Room is a Sensitive Compartmentalized Information Facility, or #SCIF.
This is where the nation’s most consequential National Security decisions are made.
@potus @realDonaldTrump's staff are not permitted to carry phone or recording device in #SCIF
(2) @OMAROSA recorded her firing by @WhiteHouse COS #GenJohnKelly which took place in the @WhiteHouse #SITROOM #SCIF.
@BarackObama National Security Council Spokesman @NedPrice said, “I’ve never heard of a more serious breach of protocol”
(3) Former @BarackObama #NSC Spokesman @NedPrice went on to say,“Not only is it not typical," Speaking on the recording made by @OMAROSA in the @WhiteHouse #SITROOM, "something like this is unprecedented.”

@OMAROSA's entire career was made by @realDonaldTrump & @ApprenticeNBC
Read 4 tweets
Jun 26th 2018
#Iran Protests courtesy of the #CIA
Jun 25, 2009 After President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad won the Iranian Election, riots and protests erupted in #Tehran, The western media was quick to report on this #PSYOPS.
#US politicians, #Israel, #SaudiArabia & media dream of #RegimeChange in #Iran.
Jan 3, 2018 The more intense and violent demonstrations in Iran have given way to patriotic rallies with thousands of Iranians shouting pro-government slogans.
Jan 3,2018 Are the protests in #Iran spontaneous, or are they the result of another #RegimeChange operation?#TheCorbettReport James explores the past, present & future of #US and #Israel-i involvement in Iran, & the attempts to foment unrest in the country.
Read 31 tweets

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