indoctrination fake reality .
Like fishes in a FISHBOWL:
They are neither dead , nor alive, only zombified.
All social media sites have:
-rule and regulations, most aiming at 1st Amendment
Then, there are laws to limit it , hiding under fancy names:
-anti hate speech
-anti semitic speech
-anti racist speech
-anti discriminative speech
-anti defamation speech
These are like FISHING NETS
Your search for the truth is limited by :
- The search engine is hiding certain sites and promoting the
propaganda ones
( the fish has to find the OPEN WINDOW to be able to reach the Ocean and swim )
- social media are shadow banning the fishes who were able to jump from the fishbowl
- Most alternative sites are controlled opposition
Multiple organizations can destroy a person’s career, reputation and life , if that person is using
his 1st Amendment right and telling the truth.
These are the remote controlled SHARKS :
-Ant! Defat!0n League, AyCLU,Southern PoVVerty Law Center
-even executive orders
The fish has to overcome many obstacles.
He first has to jump
out of the fishing bowl, a controlled environment , where propaganda is destroying his mind.
In that bowl he has :
-limited movement
-he is fed GMO /chemicals
-has to drink his own urine
If the fish has had enough and takes the red pill and jumps out, he needs to :
-be able to reach the ocean and not splash on the floor
-find the open window
-avoid the remote controlled sharks
For all my followers and others whose accounts were suspended ( like Krauth Patrick , suspended x4)
I had to redo this thread , avoiding certain words and mutilating other words , in order to be able to send this.