A quick thread on why:
Sure, Albanese has *talked* more about the bushfires, but he's not offering anything very different on policy, which is what counts.
Until the opposition actually offers an alternative there's very little hope of the government feeling under pressure to shift.

Australia is the third-biggest exporter of fossil fuels in the world after Russia and Saudi.
Given the higher emissions from coal, "exports" of CO2 are larger than Saudi's!

We don't just sell uranium to North Korea because "What happens in other countries is nothing to do with us".
We are not passively letting other nations buy our coal.
We're actively promoting it.
It's very hard for a country to just turn its back on its biggest export, especially one like Australia that has had current account deficits for decades.
China's imports are forecast to fall 8% next year. Korea now has European-style taxes on coal power. Japan's population is falling.
Banks are withdrawing finance for coal mining and power.
Instead we're Canute on the beach, sending ministers round the world to command the tide of declining coal demand to turn around.
Instead it's a transfer of wealth from a mass of ordinary Australians to the smaller group who profit from fossil fuel exports.
Aside from the ecological tragedy, all those jobs dependent on the reef will go.
I'd expect that swathes of coastal property in southeast Australia is already getting redlined thanks to the current fires.
No one is kidding themselves that Russia or Saudi Arabia are helping. Why would Australia be any different?