- emphasis on the com

It just occurred to me that this drama is playing out in the late evening in the UK. Should have been daytime.
Another miss-step by Harry. Thoughtless and selfish of him to do that.
We all have a brand. Harry has made himself *just* a brand now. The firm will always protect itself.
When the Queen dies, Charles will automatically become King. She does not want to change that, and nor would I.
They & William are all quite happy with their current and future roles. Tradition matters to them.
Like everything, I encourage people to pause & think.
Harry & his boss Meghan support the ailing US Democrat party.……
Going public is incredibly rude to HM, the most popular royal in history.
IDK what that is but I know we'll find out one day.
The risk of scandal & US investigation is heightened atm. Boris won, Brexit is happening etc.
Princess Margaret had to choose in 1955. She'd be screaming at Harry if she were alive.
"Discussions with The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are at an early stage."
Translation: He asked, we said no, and we're still trying to convince him to be a sane adult about this.
Translation: Yes, he's free to ask to rewrite his job description, & we're free to say no. Also reminded him to be nice to his granny & keep it confidential for now. We can't sue him, so relied on his "honor."
Translation: The complicated parts are constitutional, legal, financial, & about public opinion in the UK. We were prepared to negotiate in good faith & still are. But he has given us few options now.
Right now, both countries are ruled by sensible, highly skilled, patriotic men and women. They are constantly fending off insurgents from within and winning against them.
I have no worries.
The Clinton Foundation considers itself a charitable entity. As far as I know, the FBI investigations into it remain open & are progressing well.…

There is no way back for these two.
Their whole way of doing things is out of step with the public mood rn in the UK, Canada, and the US.…