⚡️Spotting Undiscovered Talent
⚡️Learning Through Osmosis
⚡️Lesson from @peterthiel
⚡️Favorite Books
⚡️Most impressive thing he's seen this year
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For full show notes by @podcastnotes 👇
“It will literally transform your life. Once you read the book, you’ll change all of your behaviors to focus and obsess on sleep.” – Keith Rabois
“Almost everybody’s taught that stress is bad for them… It’s completely false. You want more stress in your life. With the right mental attitude, you’ll live longer, be happier, and be more successful.” – Keith Rabois
High Output Management by Andy Grove
Return to the Little Kingdom by Mike Moritz, a book about the creation of Apple
The Score Takes Care of Itself, especially if you’re a founder
“I think we’ll discover in the next 20-30 years when we have more longitudinal data that most maladies are a function of poor sleep” – Keith Rabois
1.The number of undiscovered talented people he’s able to mentor that turn out to be incredibly important to the world.
2.The number of companies he’s able to help or influence, in one way or another, that end up going on to transform an industry, or the world.
A particular quote from the book Keith keeps with him: “You don’t want to be the best at what you do, you want to be the only one who does what you do”
“To be successful in an efficient market [like venture capital], you need to figure out what your comparative advantage is and magnify it” – Keith Rabois
“What I’ve been able to do very well is pair with very opinionated, strong-willed, visionary founders and be their compliment” – Keith Rabois