Al Tayaran Square
Security forces are firing tear gas into crowds of demonstrators. Thousands of Iraqis in various cities are continuing protests against government corruption & #Iran's meddling in their country.

Al-Khilani Square
Protesters are gearing for massive rallies & strengthening their positions against #Iran-backed militias. Demonstrations continue against government corruption & Tehran's meddling in Iraq.
Jan 20 - Baghdad, #Iraq
-Clashes escalating across the city
-Locals controlling many streets
-Protesters reaching the Interior Ministry, from which security forces (said to be #Iran-backed militias) are opening fire using live ammunition
Protests continue against government corruption & #Iran's meddling in Iraq. Scenes resemble a battlefield as smoke rises in the air and sporadic gunfire is heard in the not too far distance.
Protests are escalating against government corruption & #Iran's meddling in Iraq. Reports indicate several killed & dozens injured in Baghdad and other cities to the south.
Protesters are blocking roads & taking control over various areas. Anger is escalating over gov corruption & #Iran's meddling in Iraq.
Report: Three killed & dozens injured in Baghdad & other cities to the south.
Iraqi Federal Police units aim directly & shoot at demonstrators.
Note: Pro-#Iran militia members have infiltrated Iraqi security forces. Such scenes look strikingly similar to Iran's Nov 2019 crackdown & killings.
Protesters are blocking major roads & demanding a new government. Iraqis are saying they will no longer tolerate government corruption & #Iran's meddling in their country.
Jan 20 - Basrah, #Iraq
The voice of a protester being tortured by security forces, according to Iraqi activists.