Zero witnesses
Zero admitted evidence
Ridiculously little time set aside for opening arguments and questions.
As little sunlight as possible.
#Trump #ImpeachmentTrial
#Trump #ImpeachmentTrial
#Trump #ImpeachmentTrial
That? Is a whopper of a lie.
#Trump #ImpeachmentTrial
#Trump #ImpeachmentTrial
#Trump #ImpeachmentTrial
#Trump #ImpeachmentTrial
BRB, I have to go punch something.
#Trump #ImpeachmentTrial
Holy cow, I tweet it and it happens!
#ImpeachmentTrial #Trump
Schiff: Let me explain to you exactly how wrong McConnell's rules are. *goes on to do just that.*
One side is pretty confident they won't have to make an effort. I WONDER WHY.
I still don't think he's going to change any minds, but that was an awesome move.
These people, y'all. These people.
#ImpeachmentHearing #Trump
Blaming Obama! Everybody eat a cookie!
#ImpeachmentHearing #Trump
#Trump #ImpeachmentHearing
#ImpeachmentHearing #Trump
#ImpeachmentHearing #Trump
Oh honey. Just stop.
#ImpeachmentHearing #Trump
#ImpeachmentHearing #Trump
#ImpeachmentHearing #Trump
#ImpeachmentHearing #Trump
#ImpeachmentHearing #Trump
#ImpeachmentTrial #Trump
Oh, wait. I forgot which team I was talking about. My bad.
#ImpeachmentTrial #Trump
#ImpeachmentTrial #Trump
#ImpeachmentTrial #Trump
I love him so much.
#ImpeachmentTrial #Trump
#ImpeachmentTrial #Trump
#ImpeachmentTrial #Trump
This is going to be a loooooooooooooooooooooong day.
#ImpeachmentTrial #Trump
🎶This is the song that never ends...
Sekulow starts shouting about how Ukraine got the aid anyway so what's the big deal?!
Bro. BRO. Use your indoor voice. Also, learn what a fact is.
#Trump #ImpeachmentTrial
Okay, he didn't actually say that. His tone of voice did, though.
#Trump #ImpeachmentTrial
#Trump #ImpeachmentTrial
This will go the same way the last two amendments have gone. It's tedious but it's important to get all of these Senators on the record for each of these things.
#Trump #ImpeachmentTrial
This won't stop the other side from vilifying him (or his service), but it makes for a compelling story.
#Trump #ImpeachmentTrial
#Trump #ImpeachmentTrial
Because THAT'S what matters here.
Oh wait. Because you have no legitimate or legally sound way to defend #Trump. That's right. My bad.
Sekulow ends his statement by asking where the Whistleblower is.
You are really really *really* bad at this, Jay.
#ImpeachmentTrial #Trump
#ImpeachmentTrial #Trump
#ImpeachmentTrial #Trump
I don't even care that it's only 4:30 here. IMMA EAT SOME FOOD, Y'ALL.
#ImpeachmentTrial #Trump
#ImpeachmentTrial #Trump
By contrast, it'll be a shock if Sekulow or Cipollone manage to get through their statements without eating their own boogers.
Mike Purpura, speaking for the #Trump #ImpeachmentTrial team, gets up and says "there is NO REASON to change anything from the way witnesses and documents were handled during the Clinton trial."
Right. And it totally didn't rain during #Trump's inauguration.
#ImpeachmentTrial #Trump
#Trump #ImpeachmentTrial
#Trump #ImpeachmentTrial
#Trump #ImpeachmentTrial
#Trump #ImpeachmentTrial
#Trump #ImpeachmentTrial
#Trump #ImpeachmentTrial
Nobody's going home any time soon. Sorry not sorry, Mitch.
#Trump #ImpeachmentTrial
#Trump #ImpeachmentTrial
#Trump #ImpeachmentTrial
#Trump #ImpeachmentTrial
#Trump #ImpeachmentTrial
#Trump #ImpeachmentTrial
Something's up.
#Trump #ImpeachmentTrial
No wonder McConnell looks scared.
#Trump #ImpeachmentTrial
#Trump #ImpeachmentTrial
#Trump #ImpeachmentTrial
I wonder how this will go! Nope, nevermind. No I don't.
#Trump #ImpeachmentTrial
#Trump #ImpeachmentTrial
#Trump #ImpeachmentTrial
And now it's Sekulow's turn. We're dooooooomed.
#Trump #ImpeachmentTrial
#Trump #ImpeachmentTrial
Whole Room: Uh, what's this now?!
#ImpeachmentTrial #Trump
Read the room, dude. Nobody wants to hear you making light of your own obstruction.
Oh right. Everybody did. It's been a really long day, y'all.
#Trump #ImpeachmentTrial
#Trump #ImpeachmentTrial
Thanks for reading my #Trump #ImpeachmentTrial tweets, everybody! I appreciate it! See y'all tomorrow!