If you haven't worked this out yet, here's some cold hard facts for you to digest over the weekend.
1) The Chief Justice is in the pockets of the corrupt GOP.
He will do as little as possible in this #ShameTrial , he is complicit in this entire thing.

ALL of them. Through blackmail, bribery, or both, they will NOT have a moral epiphany, a meeting with Jesus, or anything of that sort, they are completely corrupt.

They have too much invested, and stand to lose too much if they cross him and somehow he manages to remain in power.
Think Russia, no one crosses Putin and walks away.

Mainstream Media is too weak to resist, and will play ball to maintain ratings and rake in cash. They have ALL along, with very rare exceptions.

BOTH sides will play along, as they have, the entire time. People are too weak to resist combat on social media. Evident in today's VotingX hashtags.

DO NOT PARTICIPATE in these childish hashtag wars, soapbox lobbying, infighting and division.
#ResistanceIsNotFutile, but we're losing the war in vain attempts to win the #KobayashiMaru
Be like Kirk, change the rules.