What happened to the #EpsteinFiles Russia stole during those hacks?
What about the #RNC materials Russia stole during those hacks?
Why was only the #DNC information released?

Jeffery Epstein was a pedophile.
Jeffery Epstein ran a sex trafficking ring.
Jeffery Epstein had many high profile clients.
Many of those clients were government officials.
Jeffery Epstein died of suspicious circumstances.

Russia hacked the #DNC
Russia hacked the #RNC
Russian hackers spent years hacking #Epstein
Russia only released the #DNC materials.

Russia helped Trump win the election.
Russia has been shaping US policy since 2016.
Trump is openly committing treason.
The GOP is doing nothing to stop him.
The GOP is openly defending his treason.

None of them are in dispute.
Q: Why are GOP members willing to betray their country in defense of a criminal president?
Some would say money, that falls short.
Apply Occam's Razor.

unroll please.